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07-03-2013 10:23

Garcia Susana

Hola a todos: He encontrado estos pequeños perit

04-03-2013 17:41

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Hi to all Last week-end we have collected these s

05-03-2013 15:19

Bernard Declercq Bernard Declercq

Hello to everybody,Collected some years ago on ste

07-03-2013 09:56

Cvenkel Miran

Ok looking at some images like this by Alain GARDI

09-09-2012 23:30

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonsoir, Hi to everyone , Je me demande à quel g

06-03-2013 19:04

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

I need the next article. Can you help me?Harmaja,

04-03-2013 19:49

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,as in one of threads the discussion came on

06-03-2013 10:56

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Je cherche la description de Melanomma britzelmayr

05-03-2013 20:53

Esquivel-Rios Eduardo

Hi all.Found in dead wood.Stromata pulvinate, eff

02-02-2012 12:37

Gerard Girod

Bonjour à tous, Juste pour vous informer que Jea

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Cosmospora ?
Garcia Susana, 07-03-2013 10:23
Hola a todos:

He encontrado estos pequeños peritecios sobre la corteza de una rama de planifolio (Navarra, España).

El sustrato está muy deteriorado, y no se decir si crece sobre corteza o sobre algun viejo e irreconocible pyrenomycete.El tamaño de los peritecios es de hasta 300 x 260um.

Esporas con 1 septo, verrugosas al madurar.

Podría ser Cosmospora?

Gracias, un saludo



Hi all:
I found these small perithecia on the bark of a branch of hardwood (Navarra-Spain)

The substrate is very deteriorated, and not say if it grows on bark or on some old and unrecognizable pyrenomycete.

Perithecia size is up to 300 x 260um.
Spores with one septum, warted when mature.
Could be Cosmospora?

Thanks, greetings



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  • message #22360
  • message #22360
  • message #22360
Yannick Mourgues, 07-03-2013 18:35
Yannick Mourgues
Re : Cosmospora ?
Yes, it could be a Cosmospora. But without at least the anamorph, impossible to say anything. You should contact Christian Lechat that used to studie them.