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30-03-2025 10:24

Gonzalez Garcia Marta

Buenos días, me gustaría conocer la opinión de

30-03-2025 12:41

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España), r

29-03-2025 09:08

Martine  Vandeplanque Martine Vandeplanque

Bonjour.J’ai essayé d’étudier un Daldinia.Qu

24-03-2025 21:26


Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'une confirmation ou infirm

29-03-2025 21:13

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Hello! I found this Cistella on old stem of Impa

29-03-2025 06:21

Francois Guay Francois Guay

Hi! I found this interesting tiny ascomycete on i

29-03-2025 05:45

Sebastien Basso

Hello, I'm conducting a mycological inventory in

28-03-2025 10:34

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Me mandan el material de Galicia, España, recolec

27-03-2025 22:25

carl van den broeck carl van den broeck

On Metzgeria furcata I found hundreds of small whi

06-05-2013 18:38

Garcia Susana

HelloThis gnomoniaceae grows abundantly on leaves

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Hymenelia prevostii (Duby) Kremp.
Gonzalez Garcia Marta, 30-03-2025 10:24
Buenos días, me gustaría conocer la opinión de un experto en líquenes crustáceos sobre rocas calizas sobre esta especie que muestro aquí y que he determinado como Hymenelia prevostii, utilizando la clave 82 de la página web Italic 8.0. Mis dudas surgen de que las fotos y las descripciones indican que los apotecios son rosados, rodeados por una fisura circular y con un excípulo hialino (la descripción morfológica no me cuadra). Sospecho que mi identificación no es correcta. ¿Alguien podría orientarme? Muchas gracias. Adjunto descripción y fotos.

Talo crustáceo, endolítico, con apotecios negros en seco, marrones en húmedo, que permanecen sumergidos en la caliza al madurar. Hipotecio de color claro con epitecio marrón, himenio I- (no amiloide), pero con ascas I+ (dextrinoides), I- en Melzer (¿hemiamiloides?). Esporas unicelulares, hialinas. Me: 11 x 6,3 micras. (Medidas esporales dentro de las ascas). Excípulo o margen apotecial negro, N-. Green algae photobiont.

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Zdenek Palice, 30-03-2025 11:54
Zdenek Palice
Re : Hymenelia prevostii (Duby) Kremp.
Dear Marta,

from your pictures it makes impression to me that apothecia are pruinose and asci have amyloid structures in apical part - I think these features exclude Hymenelia. You may still check for paraphyses (they should be apically constricted at septa in Hymenelia - submoniliform). One of the options is that your sample will belong to a segregate of Lecanora, currently called Myriolecis or Polyozosia (on Italic web), at least one taxon/or?form from the Myriolecis agardhiana aggregate may form apothecia without thalline margin, it was described as Lecanora lecidella Poelt, and on Italics web this name is treated within synonymy (with ?) of Myriolecis/Polyozosia agardhiana subsp. sapaudica. The complex is nomenclaturally and taxonomically complicated and needs revision and I am not familiar with it at all, nor sure whether your sample is Myriolecis/Polyozosia at all, just an idea. Probably Claude Roux knows these lichens quite well. 

All the best

Gonzalez Garcia Marta, 30-03-2025 22:03
Re : Hymenelia prevostii (Duby) Kremp.
Dear Zdenek Palice
Thank you very much for your comment. I have studied the paraphyses in lactophenol blue and they are not submoniliform. They are septate and sparsely branched.
After your comment, it occurred to me to use Italic 8.0 key 85 of 'Lecideoid crustose lichens' and I found Clauzadea immersa. I don't understand why I haven't used this key before!
I attach a photo of the paraphysis and the hymenium in melzer.
Thank you very much again.
All the best.


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Zdenek Palice, 30-03-2025 22:45
Zdenek Palice
Re : Hymenelia prevostii (Duby) Kremp.
Yes, Clauzadea immersa sounds like a good choise, it was likely just impression, indeed, the apothecia are pruinose, I was not able to see clearly any tube-structure in ascus tip before, but they seem to be visible (though not so clearly) in one of the new series of photos. the ascospores (if not too old) may have distinct perispore, according to monographer of the group (Meyer 2002, Sendtnera) the perispore is even ornamented in this species, but this is probably hard-to see inside asci

best wishes
