09-02-2025 22:51
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirEst-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire s'il s'ag

01-02-2025 20:32

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

06-02-2025 18:11

Hello, while digging in my fungarium, I found an

07-02-2025 22:28
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirPetit pyrénomycètes d'environ 1 mm sur bo

07-02-2025 20:25
Dear all.Ascomata pheritecioid, KOH-negative, flas

07-02-2025 17:48
asci 170-200 x 20-22 ?m spores 21.9 [22.9 ; 23.4]

06-02-2025 06:25
Bharati MandapatiHi All, I would love some help with this Lasiobel

05-02-2025 04:38
Ethan CrensonHi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten
A propos de ma fiche Trichopeziza elegantula, posté le 12-VII-2008
Enrique Rubio,
12-07-2008 22:55
Dear Enrique
I think this is Trichopeziza mollissima. The resin lumps are first
white, then yellow, and finally red-brown. Do you have the Schmid-Heckel
Atlas? There T. elegantula looks very different. I do not know this
species, actually.
Please see the attach,