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02-09-2009 21:08

Hermine Lotz-Winter

Bonjour, au bord d'un rivage dans le massif de

02-09-2009 19:38


Bonjour. Encore un Mollisia problématique... Ap

01-09-2009 00:08

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Re bonsoir. Voici encore un autre Hymenoscyphus

31-08-2009 21:07

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Bonsoir. J'aimerai votre avis sur cet Hymenoscy

31-08-2009 00:41

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Bonsoir. Qui peut m'aiguiller sur cette récolt

31-08-2009 00:00

Hermine Lotz-Winter

Bonjour, j’ai trouvè un pyrenomycete très i

30-08-2009 18:07


Bonjour. voici les données d'une récolte d'un p

29-08-2009 23:49

Gernot Friebes

Hi again, here I have a Hymenoscyphus-species w

29-08-2009 23:46

Gernot Friebes

Hi, this asco grew on cones of Picea amongst Hy

29-08-2009 22:48

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Bonsoir à tous. Tout concorde pour ma récolte

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Lambertella sp.
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 02-09-2009 21:08

au bord d'un rivage dans le massif de Rhoen en Allemagne, altitude 500 m, sol bien mineralisé, sur un petit morceau de bois noirci j'ai trouvé trois ascocarpes sclerotinioides avec - c'etait une surprise - des spores brun foncès. Je crois c'est Lambertella, genre rarement trouvè et peu connu en Allemagne. Quelqu'un a une idèe des èspèces possibles?

At the bank of a mountain stream in the Rhön mountains in Germany, 500 m, well mineralized soil, on a little piece of blackened wood, I found 3 sclerotinioid ascocarps with - surprise for me - dark brown spores. I believe, it is Lambertella, seldom found and little known in Germany. Has somebody an idea, which species are possible?

Merci Hermine
  • message #8896
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 02-09-2009 21:09
Re:Lambertella sp.
  • message #8897
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 02-09-2009 21:09
Re:Lambertella sp.
  • message #8898
Hans-Otto Baral, 02-09-2009 21:24
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Lambertella sp.
Liebe Hermine
there you have a difficult genus. really rare in Germany! I have very little experience here. To try the synoptic key on Lambertella, one needs at least the spore size range. Would it be possible to have larger images of the spores and the ascus apex in IKI? The blue stain looks strange, not Sclerotiniaceous. But I am sure it is a Lambertella.

Guy Garcia, 02-09-2009 22:00
Re:Lambertella sp.
Bonsoir Hermine,
Il y a peu de Lambertella décrits comme lignicoles. Ta récolte pourrait correspondre au Lambertella bouchetii Grelet.
Il y a aussi un Lambertella norvegica Raitv. & Järv. décrit sur branche morte de Betula nana mais les spores, plus grandes, présentent un septum central.
Amitiués, Guy
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 03-09-2009 12:10
Re:Lambertella sp.
Bonjour Zotto et Guy,

merci pour les reponses. I did a bit of homework tonight :-)
The range of the spores I found was (11,0) 11,5 - 13,5 x 4,5 - 5,5 (6,0). They were free, when I had the first look, there were only few free spores. As you can see on the foto, partly they are a bit pinched at one side. The color in water is a sort light brown with an olive tinge. They seem to have small, blunt warts, which are a bit darker than the wall itself. In IKI spores get very much darker. There are nearly no hyaline spores in ripe asci.

Asci are very hyaline and delicate (apex cylindric, 120 x8), they collapse after having ejected spores, afterward showing this strange blue blob in my first photo. Intact Asci are a bit difficult to find, because the hymenium is very tightly packed and one has to press. The apical apparatus has a lower ring which gets dark blue with IKI, the upper ring ist not so dark blue, as the foto shows, the height ist 3 µ approx.

Paraphyses are hyaline (140 x 3), party branched on the top or with prolonged tip, in IKi they show yellow drops.

Hairs on the stalk are oppressed, rough, rounded at the tip and septate (30 - 60 x 4).

The excipulum does not stain distinctly with IKI, there is only a little brown-red colouration at the base.

I had another look on the substrate: it is only a small bit...could also be a petiole of some tree, Acer, Fraxinus?

@Zotto: you refer to the key of Korf/Zhuang? I have got it, but there a no real descriptions of the species, unfortunately.

Best regards


Hermine Lotz-Winter, 03-09-2009 12:12
Re:Lambertella sp.
  • message #8905
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 03-09-2009 12:15
Re:Lambertella sp.
Spores IKI
  • message #8906
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 03-09-2009 12:17
Re:Lambertella sp.
Ascus ring IKI
  • message #8907
Hermine Lotz-Winter, 03-09-2009 12:18
Re:Lambertella sp.
Asci collapsed IKI
  • message #8908
Hans-Otto Baral, 03-09-2009 12:57
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Lambertella sp.
very good images! So the apical ring now looks very typical for Sclerotiniaceae. The substrate looks actually for the base of a petiole, perhaps Fraxinus. I will look at the key when I find time.

Did you look at the Lambertella on Olea leaves? Discussion in Ascofrance:

Surely a different species. There were crystale in the excipulum which are quite exceptional in the genus,.

Hermine Lotz-Winter, 03-09-2009 16:27
Thank you, Zotto
I will try to look in the key, too.
