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Mot de passe perdu? S'inscrire

17-09-2015 22:48

Regina Siemianowski

Hi to all,today I have found a black, immersed per

17-09-2015 20:45

Chris Yeates Chris Yeates

Bonsoir tousI think I have got this correct, but a

16-09-2015 20:09

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,   today I found a small white Hyaloscyph

16-09-2015 20:18

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello, another one which puzzles me. Macroscopic

17-09-2015 09:59

Peter Wilberforce

Dear Ascofrance members,I would appreciate some he

17-09-2015 09:58

Peter Wilberforce

Dear Ascofrance members,I would appreciate some he

13-09-2015 08:42

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

en madera de FagusA ver sihay alguna sugerenciaJos

15-09-2015 22:34

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, tengo este Hymenoscyphus recogido en rama de

12-09-2015 07:22

Christian Lechat Christian Lechat

Hi to all,does anybody have these papers: Dickinso

14-09-2015 19:54

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonsoir,Récolte sur bois de Pinus (tourbière)Apo

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Pyrenomycet on Fagus: Lophiotrema?
Regina Siemianowski, 17-09-2015 22:48
Hi to all,
today I have found a black, immersed perithecia on coarse woody debris of Fagus, initial stage of decomposition. There is an elongated crest-like ostiolum.
Spores are allantoid, 13–14 µm x 3-3,5 µm, hyaline, two-celled with a constriction at the septum.
Asci 60-90x4-5µm, with 8 spores
My first idea was Lophiotrema boreale, certainly I'm completely wrong.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
  • message #37991
  • message #37991
Alain GARDIENNET, 17-09-2015 23:09
Re : Pyrenomycet on Fagus: Lophiotrema?

Yes, L. boreale, no problem.


Regina Siemianowski, 17-09-2015 23:29
Re : Pyrenomycet on Fagus: Lophiotrema?
Thanks a lot! :-)