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13-07-2011 14:52

Yatsiuk Iryna Yatsiuk Iryna

Hello everybody! I collected this Gyromitra in pi

08-07-2011 20:27

Michel Delpont Michel Delpont

Bonsoir à tous.Je suis à la recherche de la desc

15-07-2011 07:54


Bonjour, Je vous présente un pyrénomycète trouv

13-07-2011 23:23

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

At the photos is a species with a very distinctive

13-07-2011 20:56

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear Friends Here is Sarea resinae macro and micr

12-07-2011 19:30

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Good day I try to make microphotos for some Disco

13-07-2011 09:20

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear FriendsTwo more unusual specimens shown in ph

11-07-2011 05:43

Reza Shaian

Do you know this fungus? I have to say spores are

11-07-2011 20:48

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear colleaguesCan I ask you to send me two pages

05-07-2011 11:54

Martin Bemmann Martin Bemmann

Bonjour,last weekend I found these minute ascocarp

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Gyromitra species
Yatsiuk Iryna, 13-07-2011 14:52
Yatsiuk Iryna

Hello everybody!

I collected this Gyromitra in pine forest, Left-bank Ukraine, 21 May, 2011.Could it be G. gigas? 

Spores 31-35*12-14um, with (1)2-3(4) oil drops of different size, with solitary apiculi. 

Grateful before,


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Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 16-07-2011 14:02
Re : Gyromitra species
Did you test the spore ornamentation in cotton blue? This is important to verify if your collection can be determined as G. gigas, although this is problably the case.
Yatsiuk Iryna, 16-07-2011 21:55
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Gyromitra species

Thank you, Nicolas!

I din't do that (but, of course I will do). In the key, which I used it was asked only about spore ends and size of spores. It seemed that I saw spore ends well without staining. Could you advise me some more specialized keys?? What are the distinguishing microscopic features of this species? I will be very grateful for the reply.

Best regards,



Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 17-07-2011 22:14
Re : Gyromitra species
About the genus Gyromitra you can take a look to the articles I've been published, with P.-A. Moreau, in journal in 2009 :
Yatsiuk Iryna, 18-07-2011 16:11
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re : Gyromitra species

Thank you very much! Good keys and pictures - exactly what I need:) 

Best wishes,
