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10-07-2011 18:08

Marja Pennanen

Hello folks,I've been doing mostly myxos lately. S

29-06-2011 22:27


En espérant que quelqu'un connaisse ce Kalmusia..

09-07-2011 13:43

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hi allI have collected a Nitschkia? near Sheffleld

08-07-2011 22:47

Björn Wergen Björn Wergen

Hello again,I have just one little question: What

06-07-2011 07:34

Joseph Pellicani

A quel saint ou littérature de vouer Dans la litt

04-07-2011 14:22

Jean Pierre Dechaume Jean Pierre Dechaume

Petit asco de 2-2,5 mm maxi, sur terre argileuse d

05-07-2011 21:30

Joseph Pellicani

C'est mon premier envoie sur Asco france J'espère

05-07-2011 14:16

Marja Pennanen

Hello.I found these this morning on my garden rubb

29-06-2011 21:54


Bonjour, J'ai trouvé en grand nombre sur un genê

01-07-2011 23:21

Alex Akulov Alex Akulov

Dear colleaguesBelow are pictures of some samples

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Asco on Myxo (Didymium)
Marja Pennanen, 10-07-2011 18:08
Hello folks,

I've been doing mostly myxos lately. So I picked some Didymium or Diderma last night and just studied it. The myxo is Didymium melanospermum, but there were some tiny, invisible ascomycetes growing on the surface of it, so no macrophotos are available.

The spores are small, 5-6x2 and asci about 50x4, propably hemiamyloid.

No idea even of the genus...

  • message #15784
  • message #15784
Alain GARDIENNET, 10-07-2011 18:42
Re : Asco on Myxo (Didymium)
Hi Marja,
Your photo is a little too dark. You can use an open softaware like Photofiltre to work your image.
I don't know your fungus.
  • message #15785
Marja Pennanen, 10-07-2011 19:35
Re : Asco on Myxo (Didymium)
Ooh, thanks. I have Adobe photoshop limited edition and only crobed the photo.

Been searching in internet. Could this be Nectriopsis? Maybe Nectriopsis exigua? Just haven't found a description yet, just an old key.

Alex Akulov, 10-07-2011 20:36
Alex Akulov
Re : Asco on Myxo (Didymium)
Dear Marja
Perhaps these articles will help you.
Marja Pennanen, 10-07-2011 20:59
Re : Asco on Myxo (Didymium)
Dear Alex,

thank you!

I'll check later if Mycologia, Vol. 65? contains a proper description of the species.
Nectriopsis oropensoides? could be another option. Should study some myxo-fruitbodies later for these, if there are some...


Christian Lechat, 10-07-2011 21:28
Christian Lechat
Re : Asco on Myxo (Didymium)
Hi Marja,
if your fungus is Nectriopsis orpensoides, then , hypal elements should be spinulose.