10-07-2007 21:41

Bonjour à tous, Voilà un petit dilemne. Une

10-07-2007 21:31

Bonjour à tous, je profite de la discussion sur l

10-07-2007 16:36

Bonjour. Deux petites remarques concernant la rec

09-07-2007 14:14

Bonjour à tous. Je viens de faire une récolte

06-07-2007 20:53
Boin soir mes amis du Forum: Pouvez vous m'aider
Beñat Jeannerot,
10-07-2007 21:50

Comme vous le voyez, en ce moment je m'éclate avec les bords de ruisseau...
Je vous mets là une Pachyella qui n'est pas, pour moi, babingtonii, car je trouve cette dernière depuis quatre jours et je commence donc à la connaître...
Je me demande, en fait, si ce n'est pas Pachyella punctispora Pfister.
Voilà la description :
Sur bois trempé probablement de Picea (il n' y a que ça autour....)
Apothécie brune-violine jusqu'à 0,9 cm de diam., devenant olivâtre foncé en séchant.
Poils connés de largeur x 5 µm
Paraphyses à contenu marron-rougeâtre x 8 µm de large au sommet
Asques 370-400 x 20-21 µm
Spores biguttulées, finement ponctuées 18-23 x 13,7-15 µm
Je vous mets les photos là
Merci par avance,
Gilbert MOYNE,
10-07-2007 23:22
C'est vrai que cette couleur violine ne convient guère à Psilopezia babingtonii. La largeur et l'ornementation des spores conduisent en effet vers Pachyella punctispora mais je ne connais pas et n'ai aucune description de cette espèce.
Jacques Trimbach,
10-07-2007 23:26
Votre champ.correspond assez bien avec Peziza atroviolacea Bres. dans les Fungi Tridentini. Marcel Le Gal a synonymisé ce champ; à Psilopezia nummularia parce qu'elle n'a pas trouvé des asques bleuissantes (ce qui peut arriver sur exsiccata), contrairement à Bresadola (qui a dû travailler sur matériel frais).
Par contre je ne comprends pas très bien ce que vous entendez sous "poils connés" ?
Voir aussi Boudier 1907 page 51 (comme Pachyella).
Par contre je ne comprends pas très bien ce que vous entendez sous "poils connés" ?
Voir aussi Boudier 1907 page 51 (comme Pachyella).
Beñat Jeannerot,
10-07-2007 23:40
Beñat Jeannerot,
10-07-2007 23:43

Et par poils connés (je suis désolé de cette expression!), je voulais dire formant une sorte de pallissade, serrés, pas "libres" comme chez babingtonii que j'étudie aussi en ce moment dont voici une photo des poils.
Je voulais signifier la différence. Merci de votre avis sur la question et sur comment "nommer" cet agencement pileique.
Je voulais signifier la différence. Merci de votre avis sur la question et sur comment "nommer" cet agencement pileique.
Jacques Trimbach,
10-07-2007 23:50
Pour moi oui. mais tout le monde a suivi Mme. Le Gal (probablement sans avoir vu par soi-même) et vous aurez du mal à vous défendre contre tous les contradicteurs (sauf Moser dans KKF II a : 97), bonne chance.
Gilbert MOYNE,
10-07-2007 23:50
Je m'emmêle un peu les pinceaux, je voulais parler de Pachyella babingtonii.
Les spores de Psilopezia nummularia = (Pachyella atroviolacea ?) ne sont-elles pas lisses?
Les spores de Psilopezia nummularia = (Pachyella atroviolacea ?) ne sont-elles pas lisses?
11-07-2007 00:50
The globose basal cells with hair-like protrusions and the J+ diffuse asci make this certainly a Pachyella, but neither the color not the markked spores agree wioth P. babbingtonii. Check Pfister's description of P. punctispora.
Dick Korf
Dick Korf
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 01:20

Gutentag, Richard,
Yes, I'm agree with your analysis to Pachyella...It isn't Pachyella babingtonii, sure, I say that in the description, at the beginning (because I study P. babingtonii in the same time and I see that isn't the same). In my discussion, I propose P. punctispora Pfister, like you...
Do you think that is punctispora?...Do you think the color and habitus is good?
Thanks a lot,
Bonjour Richard,
Je suis d'accord avec votre analyse vers Pachyella. Ce n'est pas babingtonii, c'est sûr, je le dis au début de la description (car j'étudie babingtonii en même temps et j'ai bien vu que c'était différent). Dans ma discussion, je propose P. punctispora Pfister, comme vous.
Pensez-vous que ce soit P. punctispora? La couleur et l'habitus conviennent?
Merci beaucoup,
Yes, I'm agree with your analysis to Pachyella...It isn't Pachyella babingtonii, sure, I say that in the description, at the beginning (because I study P. babingtonii in the same time and I see that isn't the same). In my discussion, I propose P. punctispora Pfister, like you...
Do you think that is punctispora?...Do you think the color and habitus is good?
Thanks a lot,
Bonjour Richard,
Je suis d'accord avec votre analyse vers Pachyella. Ce n'est pas babingtonii, c'est sûr, je le dis au début de la description (car j'étudie babingtonii en même temps et j'ai bien vu que c'était différent). Dans ma discussion, je propose P. punctispora Pfister, comme vous.
Pensez-vous que ce soit P. punctispora? La couleur et l'habitus conviennent?
Merci beaucoup,
11-07-2007 05:03
Dear Beñat,,
I have never collectedf P. punctispora and don't have his paper. I have snet him an email with a link to this discussuion, buy I am not sure he is a member or can view the URL. I also sent him copies ()by email) of the pictures of the apothecia, the basal globose cells, and the ascospores, and a copy of your description.
Maybe you would like to contact him by email? His address is: Donald Pfister <dpfister@oeb.harvard.edu>. He obtained his Ph.D. under my direction many years ago, and I'm sure he would be willing to discuss this with you.
I have never collectedf P. punctispora and don't have his paper. I have snet him an email with a link to this discussuion, buy I am not sure he is a member or can view the URL. I also sent him copies ()by email) of the pictures of the apothecia, the basal globose cells, and the ascospores, and a copy of your description.
Maybe you would like to contact him by email? His address is: Donald Pfister <dpfister@oeb.harvard.edu>. He obtained his Ph.D. under my direction many years ago, and I'm sure he would be willing to discuss this with you.
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 08:39

Dear Richard,
I would like contact him by mail, sure, but I hope that I don't disturb him in his work. But, you give me the mail so I decide to write to him (this afternoon, probably)
Sorry for my approximative english, but it's not my first language, not my second too...
I would like contact him by mail, sure, but I hope that I don't disturb him in his work. But, you give me the mail so I decide to write to him (this afternoon, probably)
Sorry for my approximative english, but it's not my first language, not my second too...
11-07-2007 13:32
Dear Beñat,
I'm sure he will be interested and excited. It could of course be as yet undescribed. My email address is info@mycotaxon.com, and maybe you can let me know some time how this all turns out. The genus is one of my favorites, which is why I suggested the Pachyella/Psilopezia problem to be Pfister's doctoral thesis. Once one has collected P. babingtonii and revelled in Boudier's plate, one is "hooked". The other major American species, P. clypeata, is even more common here.
Your English is quite good. Are you located in Spain, France? I am in Ithaca, NY, though I just retiurned from a four-week trip to Japan, much of the time accompanied by 10 family members (my wife in Japanese, and for many of my family this was their first trip there),
Best regards,
Dick (I prefer to be addressed by my nickname, rather than "Richard")
I'm sure he will be interested and excited. It could of course be as yet undescribed. My email address is info@mycotaxon.com, and maybe you can let me know some time how this all turns out. The genus is one of my favorites, which is why I suggested the Pachyella/Psilopezia problem to be Pfister's doctoral thesis. Once one has collected P. babingtonii and revelled in Boudier's plate, one is "hooked". The other major American species, P. clypeata, is even more common here.
Your English is quite good. Are you located in Spain, France? I am in Ithaca, NY, though I just retiurned from a four-week trip to Japan, much of the time accompanied by 10 family members (my wife in Japanese, and for many of my family this was their first trip there),
Best regards,
Dick (I prefer to be addressed by my nickname, rather than "Richard")
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 17:41

Dear Dick ;)
It's ok! I write him this night about this specimen, but today, I go to another station (at 10 km, another river) and I find a same apothecia, and the micro seems to be identically...I finish my work (mesures, drawings...etc.) and I post here the results...This genus is very symphatic bu the difficult of determination. It starts to interest me seriously, in spite of my low level, as another genus which I like now (Scutellinia)
So long,
It's ok! I write him this night about this specimen, but today, I go to another station (at 10 km, another river) and I find a same apothecia, and the micro seems to be identically...I finish my work (mesures, drawings...etc.) and I post here the results...This genus is very symphatic bu the difficult of determination. It starts to interest me seriously, in spite of my low level, as another genus which I like now (Scutellinia)
So long,
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 19:01

Voilà, re-bonjour à tous,
Je vous mets là le nouvel exemplaire (tout seul!), trouvé ce matin, à 10 km de la 1ère station, sur une autre rivière, entre Pau et Lourdes, Pyrénées Atlantiques -64- France (ça a son importance, vous verrez!). Les données microscopiques sont à peu près les mêmes...mais je redonne quelques mesures d'aujourd'hui :
Apothécie lilacine de 0,7 cm de diamètre, sur une branchette dépassant de l'eau
Spores finement ponctuées, biguttulées, en "dragées" : 20,4-23,8 x 11,6-13,3 µm
Paraphyses à sommet jusqu'à 8 µm de large, à contenu brunâtre.
Voilà les photos et un scan particulièrement intéressant d'un article de Mycotaxon.
Cordialement à tous,
Here, I put the new specimen (all alone!), found this morning, to 10 km of the 1st station, on another river, between Pau and Lourdes, Pyrénées Atlantiques -64 - France (that has its importance, you will see!). The microscopic data are about the same ones, but I give again some mesures of today:
Apothecia lilacine 0,7 cm in diameter, on a small branch exceeding of water
Spores finely punctuated, biguttulated, in form of dragées: 20,4-23,8 X 11,6-13,3 µm
Paraphysis at top up to 8 µm broad, with brownish contents.
Here are photographs and a particularly interesting scan of an article of Mycotaxon.
Je vous mets là le nouvel exemplaire (tout seul!), trouvé ce matin, à 10 km de la 1ère station, sur une autre rivière, entre Pau et Lourdes, Pyrénées Atlantiques -64- France (ça a son importance, vous verrez!). Les données microscopiques sont à peu près les mêmes...mais je redonne quelques mesures d'aujourd'hui :
Apothécie lilacine de 0,7 cm de diamètre, sur une branchette dépassant de l'eau
Spores finement ponctuées, biguttulées, en "dragées" : 20,4-23,8 x 11,6-13,3 µm
Paraphyses à sommet jusqu'à 8 µm de large, à contenu brunâtre.
Voilà les photos et un scan particulièrement intéressant d'un article de Mycotaxon.
Cordialement à tous,
Here, I put the new specimen (all alone!), found this morning, to 10 km of the 1st station, on another river, between Pau and Lourdes, Pyrénées Atlantiques -64 - France (that has its importance, you will see!). The microscopic data are about the same ones, but I give again some mesures of today:
Apothecia lilacine 0,7 cm in diameter, on a small branch exceeding of water
Spores finely punctuated, biguttulated, in form of dragées: 20,4-23,8 X 11,6-13,3 µm
Paraphysis at top up to 8 µm broad, with brownish contents.
Here are photographs and a particularly interesting scan of an article of Mycotaxon.
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 19:11

Scan de Mycotaxon Vol. XIII, N° 3 p 461, Oct-Dec 1981.
Ici, on peut noter que P. punctispora a été récoltée par plusieurs personnes aux alentours de 700-800 m dans la vallée d'Ossau...(Pyrénées Atlantiques-64-France)
Mes stations se trouvent à peu près à 30 km des endroits décrits....
C'est, à mon avis très intéressant, pour peut-être nous guider...
Si quelqu'un (en particulier Dick! ;) a l'article, peut-il me faire un scan de la photo qui est au-dessus...
Here, we can note that P. punctispora was collected by several people at 700-800 m in the valley of Ossau (Pyrénées Atlantiques-64-France). My stations are about to 30 km of the described places. It is, in my opinion very interesting, for perhaps helping us.
If someone which have the article( in particularly Dick! ;)) can make me a scan of the photo, just upon this description...
Thanks a lot,
Ici, on peut noter que P. punctispora a été récoltée par plusieurs personnes aux alentours de 700-800 m dans la vallée d'Ossau...(Pyrénées Atlantiques-64-France)
Mes stations se trouvent à peu près à 30 km des endroits décrits....
C'est, à mon avis très intéressant, pour peut-être nous guider...
Si quelqu'un (en particulier Dick! ;) a l'article, peut-il me faire un scan de la photo qui est au-dessus...
Here, we can note that P. punctispora was collected by several people at 700-800 m in the valley of Ossau (Pyrénées Atlantiques-64-France). My stations are about to 30 km of the described places. It is, in my opinion very interesting, for perhaps helping us.
If someone which have the article( in particularly Dick! ;)) can make me a scan of the photo, just upon this description...
Thanks a lot,
11-07-2007 19:41
HI, Beñat,
I forgot to mention that when Don Pfister replied to me he told me it had been found several times in Euirope. He also said your description fits the species, so I suspect you were right originally. Indeed, his article with Françoise Candoussau (an old friend of mine) was puiblished in Mycotaxon 13: 457-464, and that can be viewed easily on CYBERLIBER which now has most of the older volumes of Mycotaxon online: http://www.cybertruffle.org.uk/cyberliber/index.htm, then choose journals, then Mycotaxon, then volume 13, and you'll find the pages. The photo there is not very good, and black and white only.
I forgot to mention that when Don Pfister replied to me he told me it had been found several times in Euirope. He also said your description fits the species, so I suspect you were right originally. Indeed, his article with Françoise Candoussau (an old friend of mine) was puiblished in Mycotaxon 13: 457-464, and that can be viewed easily on CYBERLIBER which now has most of the older volumes of Mycotaxon online: http://www.cybertruffle.org.uk/cyberliber/index.htm, then choose journals, then Mycotaxon, then volume 13, and you'll find the pages. The photo there is not very good, and black and white only.
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 19:50

Dear Dick,
Now, I see your answer but I just sent the mail to Mr Pfister and you (a copy)....
Sorry...And all my excuses to Mr. Pfister if you write to him
Thanks a lot for all yours contributions...
Now, I see your answer but I just sent the mail to Mr Pfister and you (a copy)....
Sorry...And all my excuses to Mr. Pfister if you write to him
Thanks a lot for all yours contributions...
Beñat Jeannerot,
11-07-2007 21:07

Bonsoir à tous, Voilà, j'ai envoyé un pdf récapitulant mes deux récoltes à Mr Don Pfister qui m'a confirmé que c'était bien Pachyella punctispora Pfister. Il m'a précisé qu'en Europe, l'espèce est donc présente dans ma région des Pyrénées ainsi qu'en Autriche et probablement ailleurs... Cette personne est vraiment très gentille, et a fait preuve d'une grande disponibilité et amabilité. Je l'en remercie.
Merci aussi à Dick, pour ses conseils et à Gilbert et Jacques pour leur aide. ;)
Good evening,
So, I sent a pdf recapitulating my two collects to Mr. Don Pfister which assure me that it was well Pachyella punctispora Pfister. It specified me that in Europe, the species is present in my area of the Atlantic Pyrenees like in Austria and probably elsewhere
This person is really very nice, and showed a great availability and kindness. I thank it.
Thank you also, Dick, for your councils and Gilbert and Jacques for their assistance. ;)
Merci aussi à Dick, pour ses conseils et à Gilbert et Jacques pour leur aide. ;)
Good evening,
So, I sent a pdf recapitulating my two collects to Mr. Don Pfister which assure me that it was well Pachyella punctispora Pfister. It specified me that in Europe, the species is present in my area of the Atlantic Pyrenees like in Austria and probably elsewhere
This person is really very nice, and showed a great availability and kindness. I thank it.
Thank you also, Dick, for your councils and Gilbert and Jacques for their assistance. ;)