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21-04-2024 14:29

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Genus Brunnipila: Distinct macro and habitat,

19-04-2024 14:28

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

Cudoniella tenuispora: Distinctive macro and habit

20-04-2024 16:02

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonjour,On me fait part, pour diffusion d une list

20-04-2024 09:56

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.A few apothecia collected on Sunday, April 7

19-04-2024 18:32

Anna Klos

Good evening,I found this Ascobolus on wet soil an

18-04-2024 18:52


Bonjour, J'ai beoin d'éclairage(s) pour ce Daldi

13-04-2024 11:44

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found by Laurens van der Linde, April 2024

16-04-2024 17:43

Giovanni ANTOLA Giovanni ANTOLA

Bonjour,Trouvé sous paille humide, autour d'un je

17-04-2024 10:44

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Juste à côté du cône avec "Hyphodiscus ayelii"

16-04-2024 22:53

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à

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Brunnipila brunneola
B Shelbourne, 21-04-2024 14:29
B Shelbourne• Genus Brunnipila: Distinct macro and habitat, confirmed by hairs and spores.
• B. brunneola: Quercus leaves, croziers, possibly spore size.
• After a quick look through the B. folder, I could see few other characters that easily distinguish it from other B. sp.

Habitat: On dead leaves of Quercus robur, both sides of the leaf but more common on underside, growing along veins, dampish in leaf litter, under herbaceous plants at the side of a path, mixed deciduous woodland, Low Weald, England, Mid-April, after rain.

Associates: Many small black discs - pyrenomycete?, some with whitish patch on leaf.

Apothecia: Leaves found with ~30, in smallish groups, scattered to gregarious, 0.2-0.4 mm diameter, < ~0.4 mm high, cupulate to cyathiform, oval from above, usually short stipitate, superficial, firm-gelatinous texture; receptacle covered by dense dark-brown hairs, with frosted or pruinose appearance (hyaline apices), hairs longer at upper flanks and margin; stipe whitish and apparently with very few hairs; margin raised, in-rolled, appears almost closed until maturity, possibly closing when drier, initially with whitish hairs, then more brownish like receptacle; disc whitish-grey, opaque, concave, slightly more plane in maturity.

Storage and method: Stored overnight in a damp box, an edge and central section taken from an average-size mature-looking apothecium, mounted in water, some pressure applied afterwards to separate hymenium, IKI added to water mount.

IKI: Rings rb, first dirty red then blue, upper ring bluing first, calycina-type, many asci with dextrinoid ascoplasm, other cells yellowish contents.

Asci: Cylindrical-clavate, croziers with perforations, calycina-shape rings, apex conical and rounded to truncate,
- Vital mature: ~45-55 x 4.5-6 µm, pars sporifera ~40-50%, more clavate, apex conical, pore refracting slightly, biseriate with one spore at the apex, spores slightly angled,
- Dead: ~40-45 x 3.5-4.5 µm, pars sporifera ~70-80%, apex more acute and truncate, occasionally lageniform (no photos), apical thickening ~1-1.5 µm, 1-2.5-seriate,

Spores: Narrow ellipsoid-fusiform, usually heteropolar with the base more attenuated and acute, a few small greenish LBs towards the poles, OCI 1.
Vital spores measured in water: (6.8) 7.2 - 9.4 (10.1) × 2.1 - 2.7 µm, Q = (2.9) 3 - 3.77 (3.8), n = 13, mean = 8.1 × 2.5 µm, Q mean = 3.3.

Paraphyses: Tall, lanceolate, ~4-5 µm wide, apex acute-pointed, most appear uniseptate with apical cell noticeable longer but possibly some 2 septate, protruding ~10-15 µm above asci, some with a medium-size greenish inclusion about midway, many vacuolising even in section in water.

Exudate: Oily residue in water mount, at apex of hairs golden-yellowish resinous exudate, with small to large, hyaline-greenish crystals.

Hairs: Brown, cylindrical, at the margin ~(60) 70-100 µm, more frequent, pointing inwards, at flanks ~40-50 µm or 7-15 µm long with 0-1 septa, ~5-6 µm wide, apex often capitate ~7-8 µm wide (when mature?), apical cell more hyaline, apparently ~4-5 septate, base simple; ornamentation of tiny warts, quite densely covered, globular to amorphous, refracting greenish, protruding < ~0.5 µm.

Ectal ex: Internally appears to be textura intricata, with a layer of textura porecta, at the surface textura globosa-prismatica, parallel to surface.

Stipe: Not observed, but textura intricata around base of the receptacle.
  • message #79081
  • message #79081
  • message #79081
B Shelbourne, 21-04-2024 15:38
B Shelbourne
Re : Brunnipila brunneola
Can't see any sequence data for this species in GB, but there are a few other species.
Hans-Otto Baral, 21-04-2024 17:26
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Brunnipila brunneola
Under the name Dasyscyphus fuscescens, which was currently thought to be a synonym, exist CBS cultures and sequences from Quercus leaves, e.g. AY853231.

These are very distant from B. fuscescens on Fagus leaves and cupules, although the morphology is very similar. This is a very difficult genus regarding species concepts.

I send you my tree.

The wide spores are typical of brunneola in contrast to fuscescens.