12-03-2025 17:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

11-03-2025 13:10

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

13-03-2025 15:54
Pavel JiracekEverything looks good for L.virgineum except for t

13-03-2025 09:25
Yanick BOULANGERBonjourJe poste ce pyrénomycète, pas pour Chaeto
Ascomycetes ????
12-02-2010 15:59
Mario Filippa,
12-02-2010 17:15
Re:Ascomycetes ????
The spores seem those of Hyndocystis clausa or Geopora.
12-02-2010 17:36
Re:Ascomycetes ????
these spores however do not have drop as have .
12-02-2010 20:03
Re:Ascomycetes ????
I found foto in internet and my it resembles macroskopikal with the Hydnotrya variiformis that it appears to you? Exist elements ?
Carlo Agnello,
01-03-2010 06:22

Re:Ascomycetes ????
Last saturday returned home I found this mushroom sent by our friend from Greece, Vasileios.
Do not tell you the surprise: it is the very rare Helvella astieri Korf & Donadini. I put some pictures in congo-red and blue cotton into lactic acid. Spores measuring 17,0-20,2 x 11,4-12,7 ornaments included.
Take this opportunity to ask Prof. Korf if the measures of the original description "Sparassoid ascocarps in Pezizales and Tuberales" ornaments are excluded. Thanks
Mario Filippa,
01-03-2010 16:21
Re:Ascomycetes ????
This is a wonderful finding!
I hope that will be possible to collect more specimens...
Congratulations to Vasileios for the tireless searching of hypogeous fungi, and to Carlo for the study of the collection.
I think that the kind of ornaments we see in Helvella should be always excluded from measurements. These pustules have an occasional occurence; in many species they are more frequent, but however they are found only on a certain proportion of the spores. It is also to be noted that, normally, the ripe spores in Helvella becomes cyanophobic, but the ornamented ones are always deeply stained in cotton blue as we see in the photographs by Carlo. And is also true that not all the unripe ones are ornamented.
We are waiting for Prof. Korf.
I hope that will be possible to collect more specimens...
Congratulations to Vasileios for the tireless searching of hypogeous fungi, and to Carlo for the study of the collection.
I think that the kind of ornaments we see in Helvella should be always excluded from measurements. These pustules have an occasional occurence; in many species they are more frequent, but however they are found only on a certain proportion of the spores. It is also to be noted that, normally, the ripe spores in Helvella becomes cyanophobic, but the ornamented ones are always deeply stained in cotton blue as we see in the photographs by Carlo. And is also true that not all the unripe ones are ornamented.
We are waiting for Prof. Korf.
01-03-2010 20:54

Re:Ascomycetes ????
yes, incredible!
Richard Korf,
08-03-2010 16:45
Re:Ascomycetes ????
Sorry, I wasn't following this link and did not see the requests for my opinion. I never include markings in spore measurements unless i specify "including ornamentation." This surely must be a second known collection of Helvella astieri. Congratulations! I did not see any photo of opercula open, but they may be hard to find. A good confirmation would be the check on nuculear number, if you have a nuculear stain. The spores should be tetranucleate.
Richard Korf,
08-03-2010 16:49
Re:Ascomycetes ????
I'll also admit that it has been so long since I dealt with this species that I did not even think of the possibility of this being Astier's fungus when I first saw the thread. Given my great interest in sparassoid discos, this wastrtuly a strange lapse of memory for me.
08-03-2010 18:33

Re:Ascomycetes ????
Here is the original article published by Dick. Helvella astieri is described and illustrated inside.