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30-01-2025 10:32

victor servranckx

Hello, I am a biology student from Belgium and on

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Bryoscyphus dicrani?
victor servranckx, 30-01-2025 10:32
I am a biology student from Belgium and one month ago I started trying to identify ascomycetes.

I found this cool specie and I am pretty sure it's Bryoscyphus dicrani. The spores are +- 15-18 x 6,8µm and I don't see any guttules. It would be nice if I could get a second opnion because maybe there are some species that I don't know exist. 
  • message #81468
  • message #81468
  • message #81468
  • message #81468
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-01-2025 11:00
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?

I am not sure if your fungus is helotialean or perhaps a member of Pezizales.

Did you try iodine (Lugol)?

I recommend to use oil immersion for the spore contents. It is good that you used water as preparation medium.

Perhaps you can show us also the paraphyses?

victor servranckx, 30-01-2025 15:34
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?
Thanks for the fast reply!

I don't have iodine at home, what is the advantage of using that? My microscope doesn't have the 100x lens so I can't work with immersion oil.

I tried to make a photo of the paraphyses but I don't know if it is usefull (not the best quality), it looks like they have a widening at the top. I think it grows on the moss, which is also a characteristic for Bryoscyphus dicrani.
  • message #81474
  • message #81474
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-01-2025 16:07
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?
The spores are so regularly ellipsoid that I suppose an operculate disco, but I am not sure. Iodine often stains the ascus in blue, and very differently between the two large groups.

The paraphyses could fit a Pezizales.
Mirek Gryc, 31-01-2025 08:56
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?

The substrate looks sprayed with urine. It may be worth considering.

 Without thorough research, it is difficult to say anything sensible but it may be worth considering Thecotheus uncinatus???
This is just a suggestion one of many because there are many more possibilities.

victor servranckx, 31-01-2025 17:59
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?
Oh ok that's interesting! The shape of the spores and the paraphyses indeed match with  a Thecotheus! Are there some specific characteristics that I could check to find the specie?
Mirek Gryc, 01-02-2025 06:37
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?
I am sorry but without proper equipment, it will not be possible to determine the species.
You need an immersion lens x100, impersing oil, Lugol you can probably buy at the pharmacy, a spore staining preparation.
Keep the collection, maybe later you will have more opportunities.
If you want, compare with my collection, although I am not sure of the markings either. I only had one, immature fruiting bodies.
victor servranckx, 01-02-2025 18:48
Re : Bryoscyphus dicrani?
Ok thank you very much for all the info! I just started so I don't have the best equipement yet :).  I can try to use a much better microscope from my university!