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13-03-2025 15:31

Pavel Jiracek

I wonder if someone can help with identification.

13-03-2025 15:54

Pavel Jiracek

Everything looks good for L.virgineum except for t

13-03-2025 16:50

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Good evening Another find I'm looking for help wi

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

13-03-2025 09:25


BonjourJe poste ce pyrénomycète, pas pour Chaeto

12-03-2025 17:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

11-03-2025 13:10

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

12-03-2025 09:32


BonjourEncore une fois, j'ai besoin de votre aide

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Wall or Sheath
Romina Sánchez, 03-05-2010 18:10
Hello everyone, I whant to ask you if there is any technique or dye reagent that I can use to distinguish between a hyaline-wall and a sheath from ascospores.

Christian Lechat, 03-05-2010 18:24
Christian Lechat
Re:Wall or Sheath
You would have to use Black ink to see the sheath.
Romina Sánchez, 03-05-2010 19:00
Re:Wall or Sheath
Thank you Chirstian, I appreciate your quick reply!
Hans-Otto Baral, 09-05-2010 00:13
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Wall or Sheath
I also recommend to use Cresyl blue (aqueous). Many gel sheaths stain bright lilac herein, but sometimes distinct sheaths are negative.

I also know the problem that the spore wall consists of several layers. F.ex. in Sarcoscypha the two layers are wall material, not gel sheath, but behave different: the outer layer is rigid and gets folded and separates when the inner elastic layer shrinks during turgor loss. The surface of the outer stains lilac in CRB which means a very thin gel on it.

NC NC, 10-05-2010 17:56
Re:Wall or Sheath
thank you very much Zotto!
I have got ascospores with many layers and I whant to differentiate if the outter one is a sheat or not.
Your explanation is very useful, I will try with the cresyl blue.

Romina Sánchez, 10-05-2010 18:00
Re:Wall or Sheath
Thank you very much Zotto!
I have got ascospores with many layers and I want to differentiate if the outer one is a sheath or not.
Your explanation is very useful, I will try with the Cresyl Blue.

Warm regards
Jacques Fournier, 10-05-2010 19:11
Jacques Fournier
Re:Wall or Sheath
Hi Romina,
the sheaths of ascospores are of different chemical structure, which implies they react differently with stains. Aqueous nigrosin and chlorazol black also might be very useful, they sometimes also stain the appendages.
Romina Sánchez, 10-05-2010 22:18
Re:Wall or Sheath
Thanks Jacques!
the people in this forum is wonderful!
And and you three (Christian, Zotto and Jacques), I saw that always respond the doubts of everybody. It's great that you share your knowledge.
Thank you again.
