12-03-2025 17:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

11-03-2025 13:10

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

13-03-2025 15:54
Pavel JiracekEverything looks good for L.virgineum except for t

13-03-2025 09:25
Yanick BOULANGERBonjourJe poste ce pyrénomycète, pas pour Chaeto
sur Ilex
Jean Pierre Dechaume,
15-05-2010 09:45

problème pour moi,
sur brindilles d' Ilex, mais peut-être pas spécifique,
fructifications s'étalant jusqu'à 1mm, gélatineuses, à marge composée de cellules plutôt arrondies, peu allongées, brunâtres à plus claires.
Paraphyses pas toujours ampoulées,
Asques J-, spores 10-12 x 5-6, hyalines.
Monsieur Baral, je sollicite votre avis...
Et merci à tous
jean pierre
Raúl Tena Lahoz,
15-05-2010 10:46

Re:sur Ilex
Hi Jean Pierre
Maybe around Claussenomyces. Check if the spores get septated and bud conidia inside asci. Zotto has a key in his DVD.
Maybe around Claussenomyces. Check if the spores get septated and bud conidia inside asci. Zotto has a key in his DVD.
Hans-Otto Baral,
15-05-2010 21:43

Re:sur Ilex
I do not have the impression of a Claussenomyces. Rather I think the asci are mature.
- Please check dead asci whether they have an apical wall thickening (e.g. in KOH + IKI).
- Could you make a section of the excipulum on the flanks (+ margin)?
- A better photo of the paraphyses?
This seems something strange and rare.
- Please check dead asci whether they have an apical wall thickening (e.g. in KOH + IKI).
- Could you make a section of the excipulum on the flanks (+ margin)?
- A better photo of the paraphyses?
This seems something strange and rare.
Hans-Otto Baral,
16-05-2010 22:24

Re:sur Ilex
Apparently without apical thickening. Nice capitate paraphyses! Excipulum like a Mollisia. Micro 2 was in water, so no contents inside the living paraphyses?
I am still perplex.
I am still perplex.
Jean Pierre Dechaume,
16-05-2010 22:33

Re:sur Ilex
Merci Zotto,
dans l'eau, paraphyses sans contenu huileux .
Si j'en retrouve de jolis exemplaires, je t'en envoie.
Au plaisir
jean pierre
dans l'eau, paraphyses sans contenu huileux .
Si j'en retrouve de jolis exemplaires, je t'en envoie.
Au plaisir
jean pierre