17-09-2024 17:33
Pierre-Yves JulienRécolte le 03/09/2024 lors de la Session Zone Alp
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Bernard DeclercqHello,I am looking for following paper:IMI Descrip
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Jason KarakehianHi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF
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B Shelbourne• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut
13-09-2024 07:19
Thierry BlondelleBonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les
Unguiculariopsis allantospora nom. prov. Wagner ined.
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
13-08-2024 17:20
The collection was lying in my herbarium for 16 years now, without determination. My finds of U. rehmii and "Dasyscyphus" castaneus reminded me of the old collection.
I googled with "Unguiculariopsis Nectria" and at once found the link below, by Ingo Wagner, on Thyronectria cucurbitula (as Scoleconectria c.).
Afterwards, I also saw that the specimen is also in Zottos folder.
There are no notable differences of my collection to Ingos. I measured the spores with about 6,5-9,5/1,5-2 (in 2008) and found IKI-negative asci with croziers. I re-examined the collection the days after two times, the second time today.
I already contacted Ingo but found it appropriate to show the collection here, too.
Best regards, Lothar
The fotos right and above in sheet one and the quick drawing left-above in sheet 5 6 were made 2008, the rest these days
P.S. I had to comprime the sheets to "Custom" (orignal size and "Large" led to a fault in uploading)
Hans-Otto Baral,
13-08-2024 19:41
Re : Unguiculariopsis allantospora nom. prov. Wagner ined.
Hallo Lothar
this name actually traces back to a collection made by Volker Kummer in 2000 (see my drawing). So I have it in my database as U. allantospora Kummer & Baral.
I see no differences between your data and Ingo's, you?
There was a time when I wanted to describe it, but then thousands other things hindered me.
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
13-08-2024 19:59
Re : Unguiculariopsis allantospora nom. prov.
thanks for your reply, Zotto.
If you should once describe it, you can come back to my collection, too.
Yours, Lothar
P.S. Yes, I don`t see any difference. Alone the ecology is special, and the morphology, too (no other species of U. with such spores).
If you should once describe it, you can come back to my collection, too.
Yours, Lothar
P.S. Yes, I don`t see any difference. Alone the ecology is special, and the morphology, too (no other species of U. with such spores).
Hans-Otto Baral,
13-08-2024 20:03
Re : Unguiculariopsis allantospora nom. prov. Wagner ined.
It is actually strange that this species is undescribed, at least we do not know of a description. I am always unsure with the immense number of old names. But this association should not have escaped notice any potential describer.