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17-12-2024 21:38


BonsoirPetit boules de poils jaunes sur un pyrenom

17-12-2024 20:05

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

in the Algarve, Serra Monchique, on old Xylaria ci

17-12-2024 18:50

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

from Portugal, on naked soil under Quercus suber a

17-12-2024 15:15

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

,, again only 2 apothecia, on twig of Salix. The s

17-12-2024 14:48

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

.. on leaves of Castanea sativa, only two apotheci

17-12-2024 13:09

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

found on old stems of Arundo donax, Algave. The co

17-12-2024 12:33

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

this fluffy anamorph was repeatedly found on decid

16-12-2024 20:35

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

Algarve, South Coast, near the sea, on sandy soil

15-12-2024 19:44

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonsoir à toutes et tous,Je n'y vois pas clair su

16-12-2024 18:59

Milan Malek Milan Malek

Hello, could you help me with this Lamprospora? Co

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Purpureodiscus - kreiselii?
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 17-12-2024 18:50
Lothar Krieglsteinerfrom Portugal, on naked soil under Quercus suber above slate-stone. 
When collecting, I strongly thought of Purpureodiscus subisabellinus but hesitated mainly because of the different ecology (I know P.s. in connection with Fraxinus-wood from different findplaces).
Under the microscope it became clear very soon that the collection is not P. subisabellinus. The recherche now led to the paper of Hirsch and his description of P. kreiselii with quite similar characters. Unfortunately, I have no access to the descriptions of P. bananincola (likely not my fungus) and P. luteorosellus - as the latter is a LeGal-species likely from Southern Europe it also could perhaps be a possibility.
I noted clavate paraphyses that are often clustered, eguttulate spores of about 17-21/9,5-11,5 µm, asci with a diffuse iodine reaction at nearly entire length and pleurorhynchous ascus-bases. I also had thought of Pachyella because of the thick ascomata, but I found no gel and no oildrops in the spores (besides the drier ecology).
Who can tell me if P. kreiselii is correct or if P. luteorosellus is perhaps a better choice.
Yours, Lothar

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Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 17-12-2024 18:57
Re : Purpureodiscus - kreiselii?
Interesting, this collection deserves a sequencing to evaluate if P. kreiselii is a good species or simply a form of P. subisabellinus. The other known Purpureodiscus are excluded because they are pantropical species.
Lothar Krieglsteiner, 17-12-2024 19:07
Lothar Krieglsteiner
Re : Purpureodiscus - kreiselii?
thank you for your opinion. If you want me to send the specimen please tell me.
Yours, Lothar