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13-03-2025 15:31

Pavel Jiracek

I wonder if someone can help with identification.

13-03-2025 15:54

Pavel Jiracek

Everything looks good for L.virgineum except for t

13-03-2025 16:50

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Good evening Another find I'm looking for help wi

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

13-03-2025 09:25


BonjourJe poste ce pyrénomycète, pas pour Chaeto

12-03-2025 17:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

11-03-2025 13:10

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

13-03-2025 19:16

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

By means of these photographs could anyone identif

12-03-2025 09:32


BonjourEncore une fois, j'ai besoin de votre aide

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Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:19
Martin BemmannHello,
in my last posting I showed in the end some hairs, that had been identified by Zotto as belonging to an Olla transiens. Meanwhile I did some more documentation of it.
I found this fungus last week in Heidelberg, Germany in the castle's park. Substrate is a dead twig of Prunus avium lying on the ground. The apothecia appear on decorticated parts of it.
Size of the apothecia is c. 200-250 µm, urceolate when young, older specimen more disk shaped.
  • message #9816
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:20
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
another macro:
  • message #9817
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:25
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
The asci are cylindrical (never with a "stalk" ), 38,9-50,5 x 6,8-8,2 µm in size. Reaction of the apex in IKI is hemiamyloid.
The paraphyses are filiforme with some septa
  • message #9818
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:29
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
The spores are elongated ovoid (don't know a better term), hyaline with some oildrops.
6,2-7,6x2,5-3 µm in size. I saw no septated ones.
The big one to the lower right is germinating(?). Its size is 9,8x2,8 µm.
  • message #9819
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:35
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
The hairs vary in length and shape (49-81x3,2-6,6 µm) with a conspicuous glassy tip, that varies in size and shape as well. They have 0-3 septa.
  • message #9821
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:36
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Reaction of the tip with MLZ seems to be +:
  • message #9822
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:37
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
The inner part of the hairs is stained with CR:
  • message #9823
Hans-Otto Baral, 13-12-2009 12:45
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
I can only confirm Protounguicularia/Olla transiens

Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:46
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
When I compare my find with the documentations on Zotto's DVD Olla transiens fits very well. But going into the paper by Huhtinen/Hawkswoth/Ihlen 2008 who combined O.t. to Protounguicularia I don't feel comfortable. For instance form and size of spores are different and asci are "stalked".
How should I name my find?

Best regards
Hans-Otto Baral, 13-12-2009 12:52
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Hi Martin

I do not find P./O. transiens described in this paper. It is only combined there, isn't it? By the way, your ascus is turgescent and therefore less stalked than a dead ascus would be.

Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:53
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Hi Zotto,
you allready answered before I asked ;-)
So do you think it would fit into the concept of P.t. sensu Huhtinen?


Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 12:57
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
yes, maybe I misunderstood the article as thinking transiens differs from nephromatis by the chemical reaction of the hairs only (p.555). I will have to find a copy of Huhtinens monograph!

Thank you

Stip Helleman, 13-12-2009 17:13
Stip Helleman
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Hi Martin,
Here you get a good descriptive article:

cheers Stip
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 20:24
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Thank you Stip for providing this article on the type species of Protounguicularia. It gave me more insight and presents convincing features of this genus.
The bitter pill is that my last fungus Hyaloscypha quercicola/quercina showing almost no hairs should be the same as the featured P. barbata.
I have to learn much about variability...


Hans-Otto Baral, 13-12-2009 21:00
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
It's also a mystery for me that Hyaloscypha may have rather distinct glassy hair apices very similar to Protounguicularia. Here is a photo by Ingo Wagner of what we believe is Hyaloscypha intacta. The upper hairs were also found in this population. Generic limits are very very difficult sometimes.

  • message #9834
Martin Bemmann, 13-12-2009 21:52
Martin Bemmann
Re:Protounguicularia/Olla transiens
Thank you Zotto for sharing my unease!
I knew Ingo's collection (and the following discussion), but I didn't take it into consideration, the hairs beeing so different to my find.
Maybe this genus has season now and I will try to make more collections to compare.

