25-08-2011 15:57
Nicolas VAN VOORENBonjour / Hello.Voici un Helotiale qui me pose pro
26-08-2011 23:36
Peter WeltI do not want to overuse, but I still need two art
25-08-2011 18:11
Yannick MourguesBonjour.J'ai besoin d'aid epour pouvoir identifier
25-08-2011 17:56
Nicolas VAN VOORENEncore un Helotiale problématique ;) Récolté su
14-07-2011 20:53
Alex AkulovSome photos of specimen are presented below Alex
23-08-2011 22:10
Alex AkulovDear FriendsToday I found very nice species - Bion
23-08-2011 10:20
Peter WeltI am looking for a magazine article where the foll
in the course of my paper on Hymenoscyphus albidus I miss the following article(s):
Le Gal, Mme M., Florule mycologique des Bois de la Grange et de l'Etoile. Discomycètes. Rev. Mycol. 1937 2. 150-162, 2 figures
and 197-222, 27 figures
does anybody have a pdf? I have a copy of the 1939 paper on Lachnum etc., but it seems I never saw this one.
The date is usually said to be 1936. The citations (in Grelet and Arendholz) I have are quite unprecise, sorry.
I send you the second by mail but I suspect you search the first. The second is on operculate discomycetes like Ciliaria (Scutellinia ) :))
I've sent you the other article by private mail...;-)
If you have the second article on Lachnum etc. as pdf, I would take that as well.
have you received the article?
I've sent you the article to the new address!!!
It made a long time :))
Could you send me the first and thirst articles too ?
Many thanks,
????????????Cher Benat,
aussi à moi il fait plaisir de te réentendre ;-)
Excuse-moi, quel est le troisième article? Zotto en a mentionné deux...
Salutations amicales,
Je me suis trompé. Merci pour l'autre.
Revue de Myc. du 1er october 1938, p. 129.
I added "- p.147 I. part"
Does this article exist? It is the last chance where H. albidus is mentioned by Le Gal.
Dear Zotto,
I've found a description of Helotium albidum Crn. par M.me Le Gal (Les Discomycètes de 'herbier Crouan, Revue de Mycologie 18 (2) 1953: 108-111). It is the right track?
Dear Zotto,
Yes this paper exist! It's
LE GAL M. 1938 Florule mycologique des Bois de la Grange et de l'Etoile. [Leotia lubrica, Cudoniella acicularis, Ombrophila imberbis, Pachydisca ascophanoides, fulvidula f. microspora f. nov., nobilis (Vel.) comb. nov., umbilicata sp. nov., Calycella citrina, sulfurina, terrestris (Boud.) comb. nov., Discinella livido-purpurea, Orbilia curvatispora, sarraziniana, Hyalinia albella, rectispora, Sclerotinia betulae, hirtella, tuberosa, Phialea echinophila, Helotium albidum, ciliatosporum (= appendiculatum = fallax = ? nubulipes) et f. alba f. nov., cyathoideum, fructigenum, phyllophilum, pteridicola, pygmaeum, scutula, Cyathicula coronata, translucens sp. nov., microspora, pallida, Belonium pallens]. Rev. de Mycol. 3 4-5 129-147.
If you want i can send you the pdf but only after 20 hours !
Best, Guy
that's wonderful. I think I never saw this.
No matter, please send it whenever you want :-)
And what concerns Le Gal's note on H. albidum as a common species, this might in fact be Cyathicula fraxinophila, with which H. albidum was often confused. H. albidus was actually a rare species earlier. More common in the region of the Alps, but absent in Northern Germany. Perhaps also rare in lowland France.