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06-03-2025 23:27

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hello!I have a collection of Asterosporium asteros

06-03-2025 21:53

Charles Grapinet Charles Grapinet

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

04-03-2025 15:38

Hardware Tony Hardware Tony

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo

06-03-2025 11:45

Wim de Groot

Several smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

06-03-2025 17:23

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

04-03-2025 21:27


BonsoirPetites fructifications jaunes récoltées

30-06-2018 14:36

Jan Knuiman

Growing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

03-03-2025 08:10

Juuso Äikäs

I recently found these quite small fruitbodies gro

05-03-2025 08:53

Thomas Læssøe

With hyper fusiform-pointy spores.https://svampe.d

03-03-2025 08:20

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Une idée sur ces petites boules blanches sur mou

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Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:11
Enrique RubioDear friends:
This Peziza species grows on sandy calcareos soil but another older collections was made on indeterminate hardwood. The ascomata are sessile, cupuliform, up to 80 mm in diamater. The hymenium is brownish red with a very conspicuous greenish olive hue. Excipulum furfuraceous of the same color. Flesh never blue or blueish.
  • message #15234
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:15
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Collections are allways made in spring. Asci walls blueing in Melzer at their whole lengt, but specially at the apex. Croziers (+), 8-spored, up to 350 x 17. Paraphyses with a greenish yellow pigment.
  • message #15235
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:20
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Spores hyaline, yellowish at maturity. Ornamentated by irregular warts that forms low pseudoapiculi at the poles. Eguttulate.
  • message #15236
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:20
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Spores in Crb
  • message #15237
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:21
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Ectal excipulum textura globulosa
  • message #15238
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:25
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Medullary excipulum shows a textura intricata mixed with some inflated, pyriform hyphae. All the context have a greenish yellow pigment.
I think could be Peziza badioides Donadini (or P. polaripapulata if this species is the same thing)
Many thanks
  • message #15239
Enrique Rubio, 13-05-2011 11:26
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
What do you think?
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 14-05-2011 11:37
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Yes, this is P. badioides
Enrique Rubio, 14-05-2011 15:23
Enrique Rubio
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Many thanks, Nicolas. Do you think this species is not a synonym. of P. polaripapulata?
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 19-05-2011 20:27
Re:Peziza cf. badioides/polaripapulata
Oui, ce sont deux taxons différents. Le sujet a déjà été abordé sur ce forum :