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19-01-2025 18:36

William Slosse William Slosse

Good evening everyone, on 16-01-2025 I found this

21-01-2025 17:46

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour,On m'a confié cette récolte fort intére

21-01-2025 14:05

Thomas Flammer

orange ApotheciaSpores hyalin, length 9 - 11 ym, f

15-01-2025 23:20

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir,Sur branche morte d'Acer (A. campestre ou

10-01-2025 18:19

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure

19-01-2025 19:29

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Good evening to all of you.I would like to know yo

19-01-2025 15:04

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Smaller than 1 millimeter in diameter, on a leaf f

18-01-2025 01:04

Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber

Good evening, in an open oak forest in Burgenland

19-01-2025 16:05

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found in soil, in road, forest Pinus halepensis.

16-01-2025 22:50


BonsoirJ'ai récupéré cet échantillon comme ét

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Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
Luc Bailly, 14-06-2011 12:51
Luc BaillyMême site. Il y en a, des espèces, sur Typha.
Apoth. très courtement stipitée à subsessile, poilue, à marge longuement ciliée. Taille: =>0.3 mm. Hyménium plan ou quelque peu bombé. De couleur blanchâtre, crème, pas blanc pur.

Asques 8-sp., spores bisériées; IKI B, petit appareil apical. Crochets non vus (j'ai cherché, mais rien trouvé). Taille: 25-32 X 4.5-5.5 µ.
Spores parfois légèrement "triangulaires", avec peu d'inclusions (huile= (0)1(2)), non septées, 9.5-11.5 X 2 µ.
Paraphyses dépassant nettement les asques, lancéolées, guttulées, X 2-3.5 µ, septa non vus.
Poils acuminés au sommet X 2-2.2 µ, granuleux, sans cristaux d'oxalate (ou alors, les cristaux se détachent très vite et je ne les ai pas vus).

Pas d'idée.

Amitiés - LUC.

  • message #15586
  • message #15586
Luc Bailly, 14-06-2011 12:53
Luc Bailly
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
  • message #15587
  • message #15587
  • message #15587
  • message #15587
Hans-Otto Baral, 14-06-2011 13:20
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
Dear Luc

I see only dead paraphyses and hairs, so it is difficult to say something. The granulation might be oil instead of VBs. The hairs should be better seen, I do not think they are really acuminate, maybe a bit tapered. Lachnum carneolum would have such hairs, but this has croziers and would turn red-brown.

Luc Bailly, 14-06-2011 14:03
Luc Bailly
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
The paraphyses were all in the same condition... :/
I might check again the hairs and the asci for croziers, with some Congo red.
I'll also check if there's no evolution in what remains of the sample.

I've picked that sample two days after the rain, just after a long dry preiod.

Cheers - LUC.
Stip Helleman, 14-06-2011 16:58
Stip Helleman
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
Bonjour Luc,
this is hard to see granulation indeed, i am not sure about that. The Fruitbodies resemble to me also like Psilachnum.....

Luc Bailly, 16-06-2011 15:32
Luc Bailly
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
It might be a Psilachnum, indeed.
I probably took a bad specimen. Here's a preparation in Congo SDS (to see if there were croziers, I didn't notice croziers here neither).
Paraph. septate, 39-55 x 4-5 µ
Hair up to 55 x 2-2.5 µ

Thank you Zotto & Stip.
- LUC.
  • message #15597
  • message #15597
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-06-2011 17:21
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
Yes, Psilachnum, Stip was right! I would say P. acutum, but all finds I saw had asci with croziers. Yours look without, but I would need to see that from more images to be sure.

Luc Bailly, 16-06-2011 18:07
Luc Bailly
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
I have more images I can email to you if you want.
P. acutum was also what I was thinking about, at first sight.
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-06-2011 23:49
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
Thanks, Luc, for sending further images. Absolutely without croziers. That will be a matter for a coming monographer :-)

Oh, now I see your fungus should be Psilachnum lateritio-album. That species is without croziers, at least from my finds.

  • message #15604
Luc Bailly, 17-06-2011 11:25
Luc Bailly
Re : Lachnum crème sur Typha latifolia.
Thank you, Zotto. I found it on the DVD, and indeed, it matches fine.
My sample was gathered just above the water level also, BTW.