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08-03-2025 14:54

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, This is a recent find from New York Ci

08-03-2025 16:21


BonjourDialonectria episphaeria sur Diatrype stigm

08-03-2025 08:47

Danny Newman Danny Newman

Hello AscoFrance, I believe I may have found the

06-03-2025 21:53

Charles Grapinet Charles Grapinet

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

04-03-2025 21:27


BonsoirPetites fructifications jaunes récoltées

06-03-2025 17:23

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

06-03-2025 23:27

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hello!I have a collection with acervuli of Asteros

04-03-2025 15:38

Hardware Tony Hardware Tony

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo

06-03-2025 11:45

Wim de Groot

Several smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

30-06-2018 14:36

Jan Knuiman

Growing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

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Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
Alex Akulov, 03-12-2011 17:39
Alex AkulovDear Friends
Did you know the species of coelomycete, photos of which are presented below?
Personally, I have no idea what it is. Spores are very abundant and formed on the thin dead twigs of Ulmus still attached to the tree.

Grateful before,

  • message #16743
  • message #16743
  • message #16743
Martin Bemmann, 03-12-2011 22:05
Martin Bemmann
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
Hi Alex and René,,

a close relative seems to be the Genus Coryneum. C. compactum is reported by Sutton (1980: 352) from Ulmus bark, though the conidia there are shorter as well.

Best regards,

  • message #16747
Alex Akulov, 03-12-2011 23:20
Alex Akulov
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches

Dear Friends

Thank you for advise very much!

I was thinking about species, about which you wrote me.
I think it's something else. What do you think about Exosporium ulmi Erikss., Mykol. Zentbl. 1: 35 (1912)?

Please look at the description of this species in the attached file. Size of spores corresponds quate good, the septation character - in some extent. Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to find the original article, where this species has been described. It is possible, more in detail description and iconotype is present there.


Below I send also the description of Coryneum compactum and Seimatosporium macrospermum which I have.

  • message #16748
Alex Akulov, 03-12-2011 23:22
Alex Akulov
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
Coryneum compactum and related species descriptions from Sutton, 1975
  • message #16749
  • message #16749
Alex Akulov, 03-12-2011 23:23
Alex Akulov
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
Seimatosporium macrospermum description from Sutton, 1980
  • message #16750
  • message #16750
Alex Akulov, 03-12-2011 23:38
Alex Akulov
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
I'm pretty sure I know this species!
What do you think about Stigmina pulvinata (Kunze) MB Ellis (= Coryneum pulvinatum Kunze)? Below I attach a description and illustration of this species from Ellis, 1976. In my opinion it fits wonderfully :-)

  • message #16751
  • message #16751
Martin Bemmann, 03-12-2011 23:44
Martin Bemmann
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
Yes Alex, this looks promising! The tendency of the conidia to septate muriformously is clearly to be seen in your micros. The amplitude of their length fits as well.


Alex Akulov, 04-12-2011 00:17
Alex Akulov
Re : Coelomycete on the Ulmus branches
Thank you, Martin
If I understood correctly, in 1975 Sutton noted that Stigmina pulvinata is doubtful species. A single studied sample of this species (France, vicinities of Paris, 1840) collected from Ulmus really was Stigmina compacta (= Coryneum compactum). My sample is true Stigmina pulvinata sensu Ellis (which is now considered to be the species-artifact)!

I'm at a loss, what I need to do with this find, to bring the work to the end. Coryneum is not "my" group of fungi and I had no intention of working with her deeply. And at the same time, losing this data would be unforgivable.

  • message #16753
  • message #16753