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06-03-2025 23:27

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hello!I have a collection of Asterosporium asteros

06-03-2025 21:53

Charles Grapinet Charles Grapinet

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

04-03-2025 15:38

Hardware Tony Hardware Tony

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo

06-03-2025 11:45

Wim de Groot

Several smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

06-03-2025 17:23

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

04-03-2025 21:27


BonsoirPetites fructifications jaunes récoltées

30-06-2018 14:36

Jan Knuiman

Growing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

03-03-2025 08:10

Juuso Äikäs

I recently found these quite small fruitbodies gro

05-03-2025 08:53

Thomas Læssøe

With hyper fusiform-pointy spores.https://svampe.d

03-03-2025 08:20

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Une idée sur ces petites boules blanches sur mou

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Question on nomenclature
Thomas Lehr, 09-03-2005 17:01
I have a question concerning the author citation in case of a new combination.
Art. 33.2. of the International Code of Botanical Nomeclature (ICBN) says: "A new combination, or an avowed substitute (nomen novum), published on or after 1 January 1953, for a previously and validly published name is not validly published unless its basionym (name-bringing or epithet-bringing syn-onym) or the replaced synonym (when a new name is proposed) is clearly indicated and a full and direct reference given to its author and place of valid publication with page or plate reference and date."
But what is going to happen with new combinations before 1953?
Let's have a look at an example, which was the concrete reason for my question:
Ciboria coryli was described by Schellenberg the first time as Sclerotinia coryli (1906). In 1943 Buchwald published the new combination Ciboria coryli in an article on Monilinia fructigena. He did it just in a footnote, which does not stand in direct connection to Schellenbergs article of 1906. The footnote says just: "Sclerotinia coryli Schellenb. er i Virkeligheden slet ikke en Sclerotinia-Art, men bør henføres til Ciboria, C. coryli (Schellenb.) comb. nov." That means that there is no "full and direct reference given to its author and place of valid publication with page or plate reference and date" as the ICBN demands. Is the new combination nevertheless valid because published before 1953? Or do we have to refer to Whetzel (1947), who gives a full reference to Schellenbergs article?
Ciboria coryli (Schell). Buchw. 1943 or (Schell.) Whetz. 1947?
Thanks for every information and greetings from Germany
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 09-03-2005 17:32
Re:Question on nomenclature
It means that before 1953 (january, 1st) the citation of the basionym isn't mandatory. So the correct citation for Ciboria coryli is Ciboria coryli (Schell.) Buchw.
Thomas Lehr, 09-03-2005 17:43
Re:Question on nomenclature
Hello Nicolas,
long question, short answer ... :-)
Thanks a lot for your fast and precise help!!