10-01-2025 11:24
Wim de GrootWe found this small black spots on perennial stem
13-01-2025 20:17
Jorge HernanzBuenas tardes, adjunto datos de éste pequeño pez
10-01-2025 18:19
Marc DetollenaereDear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure
12-01-2025 12:52
Thomas FlammerSpores cylindrical-fusiform, 7 times septated, IKI
11-01-2025 19:32
Jean-Luc RangerBonjour, je me demande si cette Helvelle ne serait
09-01-2025 20:35
Miguel Ángel RibesGood afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i
10-01-2025 03:04
Masanori KutsunaHello, Does anyone have following article and cou
09-01-2025 17:28
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirRécolté par un ami sur un tilleulJ'ai tr
Phragmocephala elliptica ?
Thorben Hülsewig,
02-04-2016 22:02
yesterday i found on a rotten wood (fagus), this fungus.
Can it be that there is Phragmocephala elliptica ?
best regards,
Joey JTan,
03-04-2016 00:52
Re : Phragmocephala elliptica ?
It's difficult to count the number of septa in the mature conidia and I'm not sure about the dimensions, but it sure looks like P. elliptica.
Chris Yeates,
03-04-2016 15:10
Re : Phragmocephala elliptica ?
A key character compared with the rather similar Phragmocephala atra is that the conidiophore cluster is joined only from close to the base. I agree with Joey - see also:
best wishes
best wishes
Thorben Hülsewig,
03-04-2016 19:14
Re : Phragmocephala elliptica ?
Thank you for the confirmation.
best regards,
best regards,