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09-02-2025 22:51


BonsoirEst-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire s'il s'ag

01-02-2025 20:32

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

08-02-2025 18:48


CistellaSur boisTrès petites apothécies (0.1 –

06-02-2025 18:11

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová) Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)

Hello, while digging in my fungarium, I found an

07-02-2025 22:28


BonsoirPetit pyrénomycètes d'environ 1 mm sur bo

07-02-2025 20:25

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Dear all.Ascomata pheritecioid, KOH-negative, flas

07-02-2025 17:48

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

asci 170-200 x 20-22 ?m spores 21.9 [22.9 ; 23.4]

06-02-2025 06:25

Bharati Mandapati

Hi All, I would love some help with this Lasiobel

06-02-2025 19:28

Rot Bojan

Hello!On a fallen twig (possibly Corylus) I found

05-02-2025 04:38

Ethan Crenson

Hi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

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Angel Pintos, 02-07-2016 17:19
Angel Pintoshello, anybody have a identification key for lophiostoma species?

Thanks in advance

Angel Pintos
Per Vetlesen, 02-07-2016 18:45
Re : lophiostoma
I will send you a "bad" pdf of Holm & Holm's Studies in the Lophiostomataceae with emphasis on the Swedish species. 1988
Angel Pintos, 02-07-2016 19:01
Angel Pintos
Re : lophiostoma
thanks a lot.
Eduard Osieck, 02-07-2016 19:21
Re : lophiostoma
I will send you both a good copy of Holm's paper. For further references see (tab "artikelen(4)").
Thomas Flammer, 16-01-2025 11:57
Holm & Holm's Studies in the Lophiostomataceae - Literature request
Dear Angel, would it be possible to get this good copy from Holm too? Thank you so much. Thomas