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12-03-2025 09:32


BonjourEncore une fois, j'ai besoin de votre aide

12-03-2025 17:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

11-03-2025 17:22

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

found last November in the Algarve, Serra Monchiqu

17-12-2024 20:05

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

in the Algarve, Serra Monchique, on old Xylaria ci

10-03-2025 22:26

Michel Hairaud Michel Hairaud

Bonjour, Je sollicite de l'aide pour mettre un no

11-03-2025 13:10

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

11-03-2025 17:27

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

I hope it is o.k. to ask this question here. As y

11-03-2025 18:48


Bonjour.Je suis à la recherche d'une collection (

11-03-2025 15:18

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à

08-03-2025 14:54

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, This is a recent find from New York Ci

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Nordic Sordariaceae
Roberta Pini, 28-02-2017 09:34
Good morning,
I am looking for the paper by Lundqvist 1972 "Nordic Sordariaceae". Does anybody of you have a pdf and is willing to share it with me?

many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 28-02-2017 12:22
Enrique Rubio
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Ciao Pini
Check your mail box. It is sent by Wetransfer 
Best regards
Paul Cannon, 01-03-2017 13:55
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Hello Enrique
This would be of great use to me as well. Could you send me the download link if it is still operational?

Many thanks
Enrique Rubio, 01-03-2017 14:00
Enrique Rubio
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Hi Paul
Here is
Please, let me know if all runs
Paul Cannon, 01-03-2017 14:06
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Thank you, all is perfect. I shall name my next species after you!
Andrew N. Miller, 01-03-2017 16:28
Andrew N. Miller
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
You can still buy this publication for around 35 Euros:

Paul Cannon, 01-03-2017 16:44
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Ah, I assumed that all of these were long out of print. Much better value than the prices I found in the second-hand market....
Andrew N. Miller, 01-03-2017 16:46
Andrew N. Miller
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
The copies also come with a corrections sheet if I remember correctly.  I ordered 3 copies back in the late 1990's, about the same time I got the last copy of Methuen's Handbook of Colour (in German)... ;o)

Bo Valeur, 04-02-2025 11:05
Bo Valeur
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
I am also looking for Lundqvist 1972 Nordic Sordariaceae as pdf, so I hope it is still available here?
  • message #81511
Viktorie Halasu, 04-02-2025 23:32
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Bo Valeur, 05-02-2025 08:15
Bo Valeur
Re : Nordic Sordariaceae
Thank you very much Viktorie :)
The podospore drawings are great for identifications.