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Martine VandeplanqueBonsoir à tous. Grande première rencontre avec
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Margot en Geert VullingsOn a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin
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Miguel Ángel RibesGood afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i
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Masanori KutsunaHello, Does anyone have following article and cou
Probaby a Pyrenopeziza on Diatrype flavovirens
Perz Piotr,
20-03-2006 02:08
2005-august-21 I found Diatrype flavovirens with Polydesmia pruinosa . But yesterday i saw my Photos one more time and I saw, there is one Ascomycetes more ! And I have luck! This Asco is still on D.flavovirens in my Fungarium !
Today I have worked with this Asco. Looks like Mollisia, but i think, this can be Pyrenopeziza. Look: http://wwkk.mikologia.pl/spec/20050821_001C_PERZ/20050821_001C_PERZ.php
What do you think about this spec. ?
Perz Piotr,
20-03-2006 02:11
Re:Probaby a Pyrenopeziza on Diatrype flavovirens
---- TFU!! ------
Should be:
2005-august-21 i found Diatrype flavovirens with Polydesmia pruinosa. But today i saw my Photos one more time i I saw, there is one Ascomycetes more!! And I have luck! This Asco is still on D.flavovirens in my Fungarium!!
Today I have worked with this Asco. Looks like Mollisia, but i think, this can be Pyrenopeziza. Look: http://wwkk.mikologia.pl/spec/20050821_001C_PERZ/20050821_001C_PERZ.php
What do you think about this spec. ?
Should be:
2005-august-21 i found Diatrype flavovirens with Polydesmia pruinosa. But today i saw my Photos one more time i I saw, there is one Ascomycetes more!! And I have luck! This Asco is still on D.flavovirens in my Fungarium!!
Today I have worked with this Asco. Looks like Mollisia, but i think, this can be Pyrenopeziza. Look: http://wwkk.mikologia.pl/spec/20050821_001C_PERZ/20050821_001C_PERZ.php
What do you think about this spec. ?
20-03-2006 04:35
Re:Probaby a Pyrenopeziza on Diatrype flavovirens
Your drawing looks very like a Mollisia. Why would you choose Pyrenopezoza over Mollisia?
Dick Korf
Dick Korf
Andreas Gminder,
20-03-2006 08:33
Re:Probaby a Pyrenopeziza on Diatrype flavovirens
Czesz Pjotr,
as Dick I also think that this is a Mollisia. May be you can check the vacuole in the paraphyses still in exsiccates, when you rehydrate it only with tap water and wothout KOH. In not too old specimens one can often see some content in the paraphyses. In pyrenopeziza you will never see. But more significant is the colour of the ectal excipulum, which is brown in your drawing (if you coloured it correct ....). In Pyrenopeziza you always have a blackish-grey colour, even without addition of KOH. In Mollisia you have a brown excipulum colour, which turns blackish-grey only when KOH is added (sometimes it turns dark olivaceous, e.g. in olivaceo-cinerea). Also the shape of the excipulum cells suggest your collection to be a a Mollisia, they are quite regularily roundish a look like a typical textura globulosa. In most species also the ascus shape is different in the two genera, but I have not checked many species and I came also across a few collections where the ascus shape being plumb and nearly of same broadness from top to base was not correlated woth the other characters of Pyrenopeziza. In Mollisia I have found the ascus shape always slender clavate, tapering towards the base.
Lignicolous species of Pyrenopeziza are quite rare, I have only seen Pyrenopeziza aquosa up to now.
But to be honest I have to admit, that I also have come across a specimen ex H, which was made on and beside a decaying polypore (Oxiporus corticola) on Malus, and which I think to be a Pyrenopeziza bvecause of the colour of the excipulum which is a textura angularis, but which has the slender ascus shape of typical Mollisia ....
Unfortunately the charaters of your collections are so inconspicious, that there will be not much chance to give it a name. Small spores without remarkable content, paraphyses KOH negative, marginal cells balloon shaped - this always leads to M. cinberea ss. latissimo and I have no idea up to now how to differenciate this bulk of collections which are obviousely different but it is not possible to make evident WHY they are ....
best regards,
as Dick I also think that this is a Mollisia. May be you can check the vacuole in the paraphyses still in exsiccates, when you rehydrate it only with tap water and wothout KOH. In not too old specimens one can often see some content in the paraphyses. In pyrenopeziza you will never see. But more significant is the colour of the ectal excipulum, which is brown in your drawing (if you coloured it correct ....). In Pyrenopeziza you always have a blackish-grey colour, even without addition of KOH. In Mollisia you have a brown excipulum colour, which turns blackish-grey only when KOH is added (sometimes it turns dark olivaceous, e.g. in olivaceo-cinerea). Also the shape of the excipulum cells suggest your collection to be a a Mollisia, they are quite regularily roundish a look like a typical textura globulosa. In most species also the ascus shape is different in the two genera, but I have not checked many species and I came also across a few collections where the ascus shape being plumb and nearly of same broadness from top to base was not correlated woth the other characters of Pyrenopeziza. In Mollisia I have found the ascus shape always slender clavate, tapering towards the base.
Lignicolous species of Pyrenopeziza are quite rare, I have only seen Pyrenopeziza aquosa up to now.
But to be honest I have to admit, that I also have come across a specimen ex H, which was made on and beside a decaying polypore (Oxiporus corticola) on Malus, and which I think to be a Pyrenopeziza bvecause of the colour of the excipulum which is a textura angularis, but which has the slender ascus shape of typical Mollisia ....
Unfortunately the charaters of your collections are so inconspicious, that there will be not much chance to give it a name. Small spores without remarkable content, paraphyses KOH negative, marginal cells balloon shaped - this always leads to M. cinberea ss. latissimo and I have no idea up to now how to differenciate this bulk of collections which are obviousely different but it is not possible to make evident WHY they are ....
best regards,
Perz Piotr,
20-03-2006 17:08
Re:Probaby a Pyrenopeziza on Diatrype flavovirens
Hi Dick, Witaj Andreas,
I see I was wrong. Not the first time, not the last :) I just made wrong interpretation of textura (angularis - globulosa)
I think, my error occurs, cause I first time seen Mollisia with so built ectal excipulum. All my Mollisia up to today have ect.exc. of good visible t.globulosa and the cells +/- were not connected. Here almost all cells are connected.... like t.prismatica or "hairs" and going from hyaline textura inflata to external.
Besides here apical thickness by immature asci is not thick, and by all my Mollisia (all = 5 or 6 hahaha *gg*) immature asci have wery thick apical.
Then I have seen Zotto's drawnings of Pyrenopeziza aquosa, and (except marginal brown cells) everything it looked almost just the same.
Well, I thank you for yours post - is was for me a good lesson.
I see I was wrong. Not the first time, not the last :) I just made wrong interpretation of textura (angularis - globulosa)
I think, my error occurs, cause I first time seen Mollisia with so built ectal excipulum. All my Mollisia up to today have ect.exc. of good visible t.globulosa and the cells +/- were not connected. Here almost all cells are connected.... like t.prismatica or "hairs" and going from hyaline textura inflata to external.
Besides here apical thickness by immature asci is not thick, and by all my Mollisia (all = 5 or 6 hahaha *gg*) immature asci have wery thick apical.
Then I have seen Zotto's drawnings of Pyrenopeziza aquosa, and (except marginal brown cells) everything it looked almost just the same.
Well, I thank you for yours post - is was for me a good lesson.