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15-06-2024 13:51

Thomas Flammer

Just downloaded the english Key for Tarzetta. I h

12-06-2024 22:08

Stip Helleman Stip Helleman

Dear all, a week ago this cushen formed species w

12-06-2024 07:41

Juuso Äikäs

Yesterday I found some white Mollisias growing on

08-06-2024 14:44

Louis DENY

Sur sphagnum sp dans la tourbière des Pîles à S

09-06-2024 19:34

Spooren Marco Spooren Marco

Hello, Does someone has a PDF of Von Arx"article

15-07-2012 10:31

Edit Szilvásy Edit Szilvásy

Dear Forum, Yesterday I found a small blue-green

05-06-2024 21:57


Bonjour, Toute piste sera la bienvenue... ApothÃ

04-06-2024 21:26

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Je vous soumets cette récolte sur faîne

08-02-2018 06:17

Ethan Crenson

In New York City on unknown decorticated hardwood.

23-11-2023 09:46

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

.. found 19.11.23 in the Schwäbische Alb, Germany

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Hyphomycete on Ascocoryne inflata
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-03-2022 12:19
Hans-Otto Baral
Hello, I have here a conidial fungus that I observed on the disc of living Ascocoryne inflata where it forms black patches. I was unable to find a genus or species name for it.

The conidia measured 15-22 x 7.5-10 µm.

Data: 14.XI.2021, Tübingen-Pfrondorf, Brand, rotten Betula pendula log, HB 10222b

Brachysporium is excluded by the broad attachment of the conidia. With Ellis & Ellis (miscell.) I arrive in the key at Endophragmia.
  • message #72112
  • message #72112
  • message #72112
  • message #72112
Marcus Yeo, 15-03-2022 14:54
Re : Hyphomycete on Ascocoryne inflata
Hi Zotto

This is an Endophragmiella species (which were included in Endophragmia in Ellis & Ellis).

E. uniseptata has 1-septate conidia of roughly the same size & shape as your specimen - attached images are from a UK collection. But this isn't a definitive identification!

I'm not aware of E. uniseptata being fungicolous. It normally occurs on dead wood.

  • message #72113
  • message #72113
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-03-2022 16:28
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hyphomycete on Ascocoryne inflata
Indeed, this matches very well. I saw a few narrower conidia too, compared to the protologue, but they might be exceptional. Conidial shape and the basal scar fit perfectly.
Chris Yeates, 16-03-2022 15:32
Chris Yeates
Re : Hyphomycete on Ascocoryne inflata
Hello both

I've just spotted this thread. Sivanesan published a paper proposing a teleomorph for this fungus. The PDF appears to be too big to attach here - I'll email it you.

Best wishes, Chris
Marcus Yeo, 16-03-2022 16:39
Re : Hyphomycete on Ascocoryne inflata
Thanks Chris
Franz Berger, 18-03-2022 19:15
Franz Berger
Re : Hyphomycete on Ascocoryne inflata
Please could I get  this PDF also?

Thanks in advance   
Franz Berger