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08-10-2024 16:51

Margot en Geert Vullings

These small cup fungi were found on 26 September 2

10-10-2024 13:31

Thomas Læssøe

Asci loosening with long tails; spores biseriate,

09-10-2024 05:05

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, I found this tiny pale yellow Hymenosc

09-10-2024 05:41


Hello, I found two species of Brunnipila in Taiwa

08-10-2024 13:44

Pavel Jiracek

I think this is R.bolaris. How can I verify that a

07-10-2024 05:02

Francisco Calaça Francisco Calaça

Hi there! A long time I dont figure here! How are

08-10-2024 19:45

Margot en Geert Vullings

These bright yellow small discs found on 29 Sep 20

08-10-2024 13:20

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Hello everyone! Once again I came across an Orbil

03-10-2024 20:56

Margot en Geert Vullings

These orange discs were found in September on mois

05-10-2024 15:55

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Humaria hemisphaeric

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Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
Michel Hairaud, 02-11-2023 18:59
Michel HairaudBonsoir, 
Je présente une récolte qu'il m'est diffficile d'identifier précisément. 
Apothécies jusqu'à 1,5 mm , relativement groupées. Sur bois de feuillu
KOH - 
Asques IKI - 4043 x 4-5 , spores bisériées , PS 10-13 µm, 4-5 x 1,5, 2, biguttulées (une guttule à chaque pôle x 0,5 µm) 
Paraphyses x3-4 µm, à vacuole réfringente homogène, CRB + 
Ectal globulosa , parois brunes, cellules x 7-10 µm , cellules marginales également avec Vacuoles 

Beaucoup d'éléments concordent avec le genre Mollisia mais pas d'hyphes d'ancrage observées . 
En cherchant sur le site de Zotto, on peut trouver une récolte assez semblable dans le dossier de Pyrenopeziza subviridula . 
Merci pour tout avis Amitiés
  • message #77277
  • message #77277
Hans-Otto Baral, 02-11-2023 20:36
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
Hi Michel

from the photo I thought it is IKI+. Valuable would be to see a dead ascus in IKI to show the apical wall thickening. Also I would like to see the VBs of the paraphyses in water. The strongly refractive globose drops we see in the IKI photo originate from the VBs induced by the IKI ?

I would also consider "Mollisia" caespiticia. VBs actually do occur in Pyrenopeziza, but only weakly refractive.

Michel Hairaud, 02-11-2023 20:52
Michel Hairaud
Re : Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
Hi Zotto, thanks for your quickk answer. 
as I was surprised with the IKI reaction, I made several tests , all negative. 
I was surprised to discover the placement of these species (caespiticia, subviridula) in Pyrenopeziza . 
I join a pic of the hymenium in water , paraphyses VBs can also be seen here. 

I also considered M. caespiticia. I have collections of that species , with spores slightly longer and macro colors with other tinges. Also IKI négative 

Another complex to be clarified ? 

  • message #77279
Hans-Otto Baral, 02-11-2023 21:30
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
M. caespiticia tends to have slightly allantoid spores and can be confused with Calycina vulgaris. A sequence of M. caespiticia in GB actually falls in Calycina, while others belong in Pyrenopeziza s.l. The VBs are not strikin here, I would say low-refractive, but I do not see them clearly.
Michel Hairaud, 02-11-2023 21:57
Michel Hairaud
Re : Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
Rather lower refractive than in typical Mollisia species, yes. Michel
Hans-Otto Baral, 04-11-2023 19:40
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
I placed your fungus in my caespiticia folder because viridula s.l. has much larger spores. Also M. caespiticia is often longer, but some are similar as yours. E.g. I see the same IKI-induced refractive guttules in the paraphyses in most docus by Ingo Wagner, which make up the majority of docus in my folder "caespiticia 4.5-8.5 x 1.5-2 IKI-"

Michel Hairaud, 05-11-2023 10:00
Michel Hairaud
Re : Mollisia or Pyrenopeziza Cf. subviridula
ok. Michel