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17-09-2024 02:12

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

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B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.• Confi

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Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF

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Pyronemataceae but which Genus?
Pauline. Penna, 25-11-2023 15:37
These 3mm yellow turbinate discs were found on top of a very rotten stump, in compost not on the wood, which  maybe coniferous. Upper surface smooth, soft tissue, underside whiteish, powdery.

Asci J-ve operculate 260 x 15 microns, eight spored. Spores 13-17 x 8-9 microns, thick walled, smooth with granular content. Paraphyses not branching, some with curved and swollen tips, greenish in MLZ.

Keying it out I get to Otidea or Octospora. Help please, it does not seem to fit in these genera
  • message #77498
  • message #77498
  • message #77498
  • message #77498
Viktorie Halasu, 25-11-2023 22:11
Viktorie Halasu
Re : Pyronemataceae but which Genus?

somehow it reminds me on Pseudoboubovia benkertii, but I have never seen it myself.

Best wishes,
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 26-11-2023 09:41
Re : Pyronemataceae but which Genus?
Yes, it seems the correct ID
Pauline. Penna, 26-11-2023 13:08
Re : Pyronemataceae but which Genus?
Thanks so  much Viktorie and Nicolas. I have just looked at Paul Cannons site on Fungi of Great Britain and Ireland and it confirms your suggestion. So  it was in Pezizales after all.
Many thanks
Charles Aron, 26-11-2023 15:57
Charles Aron
Re : Pyronemataceae but which Genus?
Hi Pauline, 

Yes, this is the species that I had by my Cupressus hedge (see the Feb. 2023 edition of Field Mycology). I assume that the ascospores were full of guttules, not easy to see in your photos. In my specimens the paraphyses were partially obscured by an amorphous matter. Interesting that this asco has turned up in another oceanic location in the UK. 

Best wishes, 

Pauline. Penna, 26-11-2023 18:09
Re : Pyronemataceae but which Genus?
Hello Charles I will have to look at FM to see your report.. The spores in the asci were full of guttules. I was concerned because I thought the paraphyses were greenish in MLZ. It looks a very good match in all other respects. When was it first described, it  is not in any of my books?
What a great resource Ascofrance is, I think I would have been struggling on for sometime.
Best wishes Pauline
Charles Aron, 26-11-2023 18:24
Charles Aron
Re : Pyronemataceae but which Genus?
Hi Pauline, 

Yes, I got the ID through AscoFrance-very helpful. There's loads of info on it online and there's also some background info re taxonomy in my article. It has been quite frequent by my Cupressus hedge under the clippings. Wonder if it's there now?!
