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16-01-2025 22:50


BonsoirJ'ai récupéré cet échantillon comme ét

16-01-2025 21:26

William Slosse William Slosse

Good evening all,I have little to no experience wi

14-01-2025 10:11

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin

16-01-2025 12:06

Thomas Flammer


02-07-2016 17:19

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

hello, anybody have a identification key for lophi

15-01-2025 23:20

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir,Sur branche morte d'Acer (A. campestre ou

15-01-2025 18:36

François Valade François Valade

hello forthe french fungi types project, I am loo

14-01-2025 18:17

Martine  Vandeplanque Martine Vandeplanque

Bonsoir à tous. Grande première rencontre avec

13-01-2025 20:17

Jorge Hernanz

Buenas tardes, adjunto datos de éste pequeño pez

10-01-2025 11:24

Wim de Groot

We found this small black spots on perennial stem

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Leathery black bitunicate on olive roots - S. Spain - with huge 2-celled opaque black spores
Thomas Læssøe, 28-06-2024 10:50
Spores ca. 47 x 32 µm, 2-celled, highly constricted, very opaque when mature obscuring the platelike coarse ornament. Asci typically 8-spored, clavate with long pedicel, very thick-walled.
  • message #79611
  • message #79611
  • message #79611
  • message #79611
  • message #79611
  • message #79611
Thomas Læssøe, 05-07-2024 09:32
Re : Leathery black bitunicate on olive roots - S. Spain - with huge 2-celled opaque black spores
i have been hintet at 

Rechingeriella boudieri (Arnaud) D. Hawksw., Can. J. Bot. 57(2): 93 (1979)

Richonia boudieri (Arnaud) Arx & E. Müll., Stud. Mycol. 9: 111 (1975)
Zopfia boudieri Arnaud, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 29: 255 (1913)

for this collection. Seems to be a very good suggestion