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30-06-2024 14:17

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

HelloSur bois mort d'Alnus en milieu humide (bord

17-05-2024 16:25

Pavel Jiracek

Erioscyphella lunata, found on a fallen needle of

01-07-2024 17:16

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Salut.Quelques discomycètes rougeâtres entre 1,5

01-07-2024 14:55

Torbjørn Lindhardt

Does anybody have experience growing ascocarps fro

29-06-2024 13:48

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour, Sur bois mort décortiqué de feuillu, e

28-06-2024 10:50

Thomas Læssøe

Spores ca. 47 x 32 µm, 2-celled, highly constrict

27-06-2024 01:36

Richard VALERI Richard VALERI

Salut à tous.J'ai lu ici que Zotto était plutôt

22-06-2024 13:35

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello, Could this be Camposporium pellucidum? The

26-06-2024 21:08

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

On the underside of a very rotten board in our gar

26-06-2024 22:43

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Hello, Found on a wet piece of wood  (Fraxinus ?

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Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
Thierry Blondelle, 30-06-2024 14:17
Thierry BlondelleHello

Sur bois mort d'Alnus en milieu humide (bord de ruisseau)

Apothécies : orangée-roussâtre, très convexes, parfois crénelées, de 0.3 cm à pied court.

Réaction amyloïde peu marquée voire nulle d'où mon interrogation sur un représentant du genre.

spores ellipsoïdes-fusiformes, multiguttulées
(8.8)-10.8-(14.7) x (3.2)-3.5-(4.1) N=15
Q= 3

Paraphyses à nombreuse granulations (réfringentes ?)

Croziers +

Excipulum angularis

J'ai écarté P monticola pour la couleur et P. epiphyllum qui a des spores plus grandes.
J'ai retenu P. imberbe mais un autre genre (Cudoniella ?) est aussi possible.

Merci pour vos remarques.

  • message #79613
  • message #79613
  • message #79613
  • message #79613
  • message #79613
  • message #79613
  • message #79613
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-06-2024 17:19
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
I have a folder "imberbis aff. inamyloid" which could fit your specimen.

H. imberbis = Phaeohelotium imberbe is something like a Cudoniella, if taking a narrower genus concept, although it was never combined there.

From my HB 7469 (drawing) I have a sequence which clarified that this is not conspecific with H. imberbis with amyloid asci.
Thierry Blondelle, 30-06-2024 20:33
Thierry Blondelle
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
Thanks Zotto. Possible to acceed to the drawing ?
Hans-Otto Baral, 30-06-2024 20:58
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?

Ascomycete illustrations




imberbis aff. inamyloid
Thierry Blondelle, 30-06-2024 23:03
Thierry Blondelle
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
Interesting feature. Quite closely to my own finding fifteen miles away
Hans-Otto Baral, 01-07-2024 08:11
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
Also dépt. Herault? Would be good to know the exact place, also the date.

In my case the wood was ring-pored, Fraxinus or Castanea. You are sure with Alnus?
Thierry Blondelle, 01-07-2024 09:08
Thierry Blondelle
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
Yes. I'll sent to you name and localisation of the place.
Rotten branch is  not easy to identify. But finally, I'm not really sure of Alnus.
I'll join pics of the piece of wood.
Hans-Otto Baral, 02-07-2024 09:04
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Phaeohelotium imberbe ?
Thanks for the data and the correction of the wood. Corylus is scattered-pored but Fraxinus and Castanea are ring-pored.