17-09-2024 17:33
Pierre-Yves JulienRécolte le 03/09/2024 lors de la Session Zone Alp
17-09-2024 15:31
Bernard DeclercqHello,I am looking for following paper:IMI Descrip
17-09-2024 02:12
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat seems like Hymenoscyphus s.l
06-09-2024 16:23
Andgelo MombertBonjour,J'ai trouvé cette semaine Caesiodiscus po
15-09-2024 12:51
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.• Confi
08-10-2019 21:31
Jason KarakehianHi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF
08-09-2024 21:31
B Shelbourne• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut
13-09-2024 07:19
Thierry BlondelleBonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les
Scutellinia olivascens? scutellata?
Kozak Robert,
09-07-2024 16:35
I found this Scutellinia in at the bottom of a dried stream in the forest on fallen leaves and branches.
Hymenium orange. Apothecia diameter up to about 10 mm. Everything looks like S.olivascens, but some hairs is about 1300µm long. Width 40 µm, thick 6 µm walls.
Ascospores elipsoid have 19.9x11.8 µm; Q=1,7
Is my ID correct?
09-07-2024 18:26
Re : Scutellinia olivascens? scutellata?
Maybe more related to S. pilatii
Kozak Robert,
09-07-2024 19:02
Re : Scutellinia olivascens? scutellata?
Thank you