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14-01-2025 18:17

Martine  Vandeplanque Martine Vandeplanque

Bonsoir à tous. Grande première rencontre avec

13-01-2025 20:17

Jorge Hernanz

Buenas tardes, adjunto datos de éste pequeño pez

14-01-2025 10:11

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin

10-01-2025 11:24

Wim de Groot

We found this small black spots on perennial stem

10-01-2025 18:19

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure

19-12-2024 11:54

michel bertrand

Bonjour, Après moultes recherches plutôt infruc

12-01-2025 12:52

Thomas Flammer

Spores cylindrical-fusiform, 7 times septated, IKI

11-01-2025 19:32

Jean-Luc Ranger

Bonjour, je me demande si cette Helvelle ne serait

09-01-2025 20:35

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i

10-01-2025 03:04

Masanori Kutsuna

Hello, Does anyone have following article and cou

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Hymenoscyphus "calycinoides" 170424 001
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 06-08-2024 12:38
Miguel Ãngel RibesGood morning

This small (< 1.5 mm diameter) white Hymenoscyphus was growing on very moist leaves of Clethra arborea in Madeira, Ribeira do Seixal.

Asci octosporic, IKI+, with croziers and Hymenoscyphus-like apical apparatus, (80.9) 82.8 - 95.9 (103.8) × (8.4) 9.4 - 11 (12.1) µm; N = 36; Me = 87.7 × 10.4 µm in vivo.

Ascospores ellipsoidal, with a central septum, slightly constricted at the septum, with some small to medium LBs, (10.2) 11 - 13.3 (13.9) × (3.8) 4.1 - 5 (5.7) µm; Q = (2,1) 2,4 - 3 (3,3) ; N = 60; Me = 12,2 × 4,6 µm ; Qe = 2,7 in vivo.

Paraphyses cylindrical, septate, but without VBs.

Ectal exciple with textura prismatica, with very short cells. Medullary exciple with textura intricata.

With Baral's keys I arrive at Hymenoscyphus "calycinoides", but I don't see VBs in the paraphyses and it seems that the species is not published, at least under that name.

Many thanks in advance.

Miguel Ángel Ribes.

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Hans-Otto Baral, 06-08-2024 17:17
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hymenoscyphus "calycinoides" 170424 001
This H. calycinoides nom. prov. I later identified as H. varicosporioides, see my foder Cudoniella.

The absence of VBs is strange, but in ERD-6890 they are also absent!

Your spore table you can turn upside down, the spores are a bit heteropolar.
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 06-08-2024 21:40
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Hymenoscyphus "calycinoides" 170424 001
Thanks Zotto

Despite the absence of VBs, it seems there is no other possibility, right?

I will turn the table around, thanks.
Hans-Otto Baral, 07-08-2024 08:58
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Hymenoscyphus "calycinoides" 170424 001
The problems are that (1) we de not know for sure that these are two species, and (2) if so, which is varicosporioides. I am quite sure they are two species. From the data in my folders it seems obvious that those without VBs are from southern, +/- mediterranean Europe and those with VBs from central, temperate Europe. The type is from warm-temperate Japan (Kyoto).

An older synonym is Cudoniella indica, from Natal (South Africa).

Sequences which I see in GenBank are from Asia and South Africa, also USA. They show some deviation (up to 2% in ITS). It would be interesting to compare the two from Europe (with/without VBs)!
Miguel Ángel Ribes, 07-08-2024 14:15
Miguel Ãngel Ribes
Re : Hymenoscyphus "calycinoides" 170424 001
Maybe we should go back to Madeira for more material, because I seem to remember that the collection is made up of the 3 apothecia seen in the photo and I probably spent 1 or 1/2 of them making the micro. If I see that it is possible, I could send it to be sequenced.

Thanks Zotto