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17-09-2024 17:33

Pierre-Yves Julien

Récolte le 03/09/2024 lors de la Session Zone Alp

17-09-2024 15:31

Bernard Declercq Bernard Declercq

Hello,I am looking for following paper:IMI Descrip

17-09-2024 02:12

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat seems like Hymenoscyphus s.l

16-09-2024 14:20

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Sur une pierre recouverte de mousse (forê

06-09-2024 16:23

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour,J'ai trouvé cette semaine Caesiodiscus po

15-09-2024 12:51

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.• Confi

08-10-2019 21:31

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF

08-09-2024 21:31

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut

14-09-2024 01:12

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Ascobolus species on wild herbivore dung.• S

13-09-2024 07:19

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

BonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les

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Haematomyxa vinosa
Ethan Crenson, 13-08-2024 17:31
Hello again!

Last weekend in Northern New Jersey I found what I believe to be Haematomyxa vinosa.  It was growing on an unknown hardwood in association with Berkleasmium conglobatum. Rough and sometimes irregularly shaped black discs reaching about 1mm in diameter, they have a burgundy tinge.

The asci are bitunicate. In section there is purple pigment between the asci. Spores inside the asci are golden brown, muriform and larger than ejected spores—about 40 x 14µm.  Ejected spores—I managed to get about 6 of them— are darker brown and 28.2-36.5 x 11.7-15.6µm. They are constricted at the central septa and usually curved. In KOH the apothecia emit an olive green/gray green pigment.  I did not see paraphyses, perhaps I missed them.

My determination of Haematomyxa vinosa was only possible when I rediscovered this post I made from 2017:

Although there is a partly unresolved conversation in that post, I feel that the determination is fairly solid, but I am open to other thoughts.  Other thoughts?

It is remarkable to me how infrequently this asco is collected. I see only one observation of it on iNaturalist, three records in Mycoportal.

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Hans-Otto Baral, 14-08-2024 20:23
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Haematomyxa vinosa
Hi Ethan

I am sure it is! Yes, I know no other record than you indicate.
