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14-09-2024 01:12

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Ascobolus species on wild herbivore dung.• S

13-09-2024 07:19

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

BonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les

08-09-2024 21:31

B Shelbourne B Shelbourne

• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut

11-09-2024 19:21

Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Deel lunes en bosque de hayas y abetos,  posiblem

04-09-2024 21:02

Stephen Mifsud Stephen Mifsud

I have found an interesting Xylaria growing on fal

11-09-2024 21:21

Martin Bemmann Martin Bemmann

Does someone have: Sharma, M.P., 1986. Indian Hya

08-10-2019 21:31

Jason Karakehian Jason Karakehian

Hi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF

09-09-2024 16:40

François Bartholomeeusen

During an excursion of the inventory project De Ze

30-08-2024 20:06

Dirk Gerstner

Mollisia on Typha_angustifolia I found the follow

01-08-2024 08:12

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Pyreno grew on dead wood with bar

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Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 26-08-2024 16:30
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)Hello,
yesterday I collected this Phaeohelotium on a decaying trunk of Fagus sylvatica (in the field I though it would be Bisporella/Calycina). The apothecia measured up to 7 mm, but mostly up to 4 mm, were vivid yellow, not reddening.
Ascospores (13.9)15.4-18.2(19.7) × (4.1)4.2 4.7(4.8) µm, Q = (3.1)3.5-4.2(4.6), n = 40, 
Me = 16.9 × 4.4 µm, Qe = 3.8. Most of them were non-septate, some 1-septate, a few 2-septate and a single 3-septate ascospore was observed. 
Asci bb (Hymenoscyphus-type), with croziers. 124-135 x 8-11 µm.
Ectal excipulum textura globulosa-angularis, medulla t. intricata.
Using Bernard´s key I came to Phaeohelotium monticola, but still feel a bit uncertain due to the possible confusion with P. epiphyllum. Based on the information in this forum and after comparing photos on reliable webpages, it seems P. epiphyllum should have less vivid colour, smaller guttules inside paraphyses and should become red when damaged. Nevertheless, I would like to consult this find. 
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Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 26-08-2024 16:33
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)
Re : Phaeohelotium
Asci and paraphyses
  • message #80063
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  • message #80063
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 26-08-2024 16:35
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)
Re : Phaeohelotium
  • message #80064
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Hans-Otto Baral, 26-08-2024 21:08
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Phaeohelotium
Hi Zuzana

first I see from your living asci that the spores are always non-septate before discharge.

The number of septate spores is a pure function of the degree of senescence. Finally they should get brownish, but I saw such spores only rarely in this species.

Xes, it is P. monticola, no doubt. Such elongated VBs are impossible in H. epiphyllus which has only small roundish VBs in high number. The same applies to the cortical cells.

THT IKI-reaction of the VBs is perhaps also typical.

In fact, P. epiphyllum can hardly be confused with Calycina citrina.

Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová), 27-08-2024 06:27
Zuzana Sochorová (Egertová)
Re : Phaeohelotium
Hi Zotto,
perfect, thank you very much!
I can confirm the oldest spores were light brownish.