11-03-2025 13:10

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

17-12-2024 20:05

in the Algarve, Serra Monchique, on old Xylaria ci

11-03-2025 17:27

I hope it is o.k. to ask this question here. As y

11-03-2025 18:48

Bonjour.Je suis à la recherche d'une collection (

11-03-2025 17:22

found last November in the Algarve, Serra Monchiqu

11-03-2025 15:18

Bonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à

08-03-2025 14:54
Ethan CrensonHello all, This is a recent find from New York Ci

11-03-2025 10:16

Bonjour , Récolte sur tronc mort de Carpinus. Fo

10-03-2025 22:26

Bonjour, Je sollicite de l'aide pour mettre un no

10-03-2025 18:51
Juuso ÄikäsThese apparent Cryptodiscus fruitbodies with a pal
nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
17-12-2024 20:05

Lothar Krieglsteiner,
17-12-2024 20:12

Re : nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
When looking more exactly I found older stromata of the Xylaria from the last year, quite strongly decayed and crumbly. On one of them I found some perithecia of a nectria-like fungus. I am not sure if it is perhaps the teleomorph belonging to the yellowish mould already showed.
The hairs of the "Nectria" are beautifully yellow and contrast well with the dark red perithecia. Unfortunately I found only few riep spores and no clear asci. The spores I measured 11-15/4-6. I am not really sure but perhaps the spores are longitudinally striate (as there were very few I am not sure if I am not talking about an optical artefact). The perithecia were mounted in KOH - and there was not decoloration, so no Nectriaceae. As the sample contains only of quite few ascomata I did not examine more perithecia by now.
Who does have an idea?
Yours, Lothar
The hairs of the "Nectria" are beautifully yellow and contrast well with the dark red perithecia. Unfortunately I found only few riep spores and no clear asci. The spores I measured 11-15/4-6. I am not really sure but perhaps the spores are longitudinally striate (as there were very few I am not sure if I am not talking about an optical artefact). The perithecia were mounted in KOH - and there was not decoloration, so no Nectriaceae. As the sample contains only of quite few ascomata I did not examine more perithecia by now.
Who does have an idea?
Yours, Lothar
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
11-03-2025 16:53

nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - second investigation of the teleomorph
I was a bit surprised that nobody answered to this post, as I found the specimen to be quite characteristic. Today I made new preparations and can add:
1. The perithecia show a clear discoloration to yellow (over orange) when mounted in lactic acid. As I already wrote, KOH does not lead to a discoloration.
2. This time I found a lot of spores, few also still being in (hardly visible) asci. The authentic spores are definitely longitudinally striate, and measure about 10,5-12,5/3,4-4,5 µm.
Maybe somebody can make a proposal at least for the family, maybe the genus?
Maybe an undescribed species? - as the substrate is quite special.
Best, Lothar
1. The perithecia show a clear discoloration to yellow (over orange) when mounted in lactic acid. As I already wrote, KOH does not lead to a discoloration.
2. This time I found a lot of spores, few also still being in (hardly visible) asci. The authentic spores are definitely longitudinally striate, and measure about 10,5-12,5/3,4-4,5 µm.
Maybe somebody can make a proposal at least for the family, maybe the genus?
Maybe an undescribed species? - as the substrate is quite special.
Best, Lothar
Andgelo Mombert,
11-03-2025 17:33

Re : nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
I think it's a Sarcopodium, possibly a undescribed species close to S. flocculentum. Molecular data is needed !
I think it's a Sarcopodium, possibly a undescribed species close to S. flocculentum. Molecular data is needed !
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
11-03-2025 17:39

Re : nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
Hello Angelo,
thank you very much for your expertise! I just asked fot a publication on this species (S. flocculentum) on Researche Gate.
Do you have capactities to do the molecular work? In this case I would send you the specimen (or half of it - it is not very large).
Otherwise, I could (not immediately, but perhaps this year) send a piece to Pablo Alvarado for commercial sequencing. I plan to do this with some fungi (mainly basidiomycetes) anyway for this year.
But I must admit: I am not familiar with the work to be done with the sequence (alignment, and so on). I would need help with this.
Somebody interested?
Yours, Lothar
thank you very much for your expertise! I just asked fot a publication on this species (S. flocculentum) on Researche Gate.
Do you have capactities to do the molecular work? In this case I would send you the specimen (or half of it - it is not very large).
Otherwise, I could (not immediately, but perhaps this year) send a piece to Pablo Alvarado for commercial sequencing. I plan to do this with some fungi (mainly basidiomycetes) anyway for this year.
But I must admit: I am not familiar with the work to be done with the sequence (alignment, and so on). I would need help with this.
Somebody interested?
Yours, Lothar
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
11-03-2025 17:40

Re : nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
... and I forgot to ask: do you think the anamorph (first contribution on top of the page) belongs to the peculiar teleomorph?
Andgelo Mombert,
11-03-2025 21:38

Re : nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
No, i'm sorry :-(
Lothar Krieglsteiner,
11-03-2025 22:35

Re : nectrioid fungus on Xylaria cinerea - anamorph and teleomorph belonging together?
thank you for this, too!