17-09-2024 17:33
Pierre-Yves JulienRécolte le 03/09/2024 lors de la Session Zone Alp
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Bernard DeclercqHello,I am looking for following paper:IMI Descrip
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B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat seems like Hymenoscyphus s.l
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Andgelo MombertBonjour,J'ai trouvé cette semaine Caesiodiscus po
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B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.• Confi
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Jason KarakehianHi AscoFrance community, Does anyone have a PDF
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B Shelbourne• Stromatised substrate and macro like genus Rut
13-09-2024 07:19
Thierry BlondelleBonjourDans le genre Trichobolus, quelles sont les
Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
Luc Bailly,
09-11-2009 21:20
J'ai un Hymenoscyphus poussant sur tiges mortes d'Urtica dioica, trouvé en Haute Ardenne 5vielsalm, Belgique). J'ai d'abord pensé à Hymenoscyphus herbarum, mais la micro ne correspond pas.
Apothécie -> 1.5 mm sur mes spécimens, crème, jaunissant ou rougissant en vieillissant (photo), à pied très court.
Asques X 6.5-8 µ, sans croziers (du moins je n'en n'ai pas vus dans ma préparation), pore hémiamyloïde (IKI R++, Meltzer B faible).
Paraphyses cylindriques, X 2-3 µ; guttules parfois présentes vers le sommet, parfois pas.
Spores hyalines, 1-septées, 16-23.5 X 3-4.5 µ.
Une idée? Merci d'avance - Luc BAILLY.
Luc Bailly,
09-11-2009 21:22
09-11-2009 22:09
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
Il s'agit plutôt d'un Calycina.
Concernant la définition de l'hémiamyloïdie, je renvoie vers la note de Zotto :
Concernant la définition de l'hémiamyloïdie, je renvoie vers la note de Zotto :
Hans-Otto Baral,
09-11-2009 22:33
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
Hi Luc
yes, it is certainly a Calycina, and I would expect C. herbarum. Are you sure the spores are so big?
yes, it is certainly a Calycina, and I would expect C. herbarum. Are you sure the spores are so big?
Luc Bailly,
09-11-2009 22:40
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
Ah, okay, merci Nicolas. J'essaierai le KOH + IKI aussi.
I still have the specimen and will verify the spore length tomorrow.
I still have the specimen and will verify the spore length tomorrow.
Luc Bailly,
10-11-2009 17:49
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
I can confirm you the spores are that large. Thus, would it be a macrosporic form of C. herbarum?
Et tu as raison, Nicolas: IKI + KOH: réaction négative.
Cheers - LUC.
Et tu as raison, Nicolas: IKI + KOH: réaction négative.
Cheers - LUC.
Hans-Otto Baral,
10-11-2009 18:12
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
Wehn I use my key and assume the asci are 8-spored, with 8 equally-sized spores, then I arrive at Calycina subparilis, an undescribed species which I only know from wood and bark of various angiosperm trees and shrubs. The spores are there 13-20 / 3,3-4,5 µm.
Hier an example.
Hier an example.
Luc Bailly,
10-11-2009 19:10
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
Thank you, Zotto. Spores are exactly like those ones, and dimensions are very close. But the ecology (herbaceous stems) is different. And the apothecies of my sample are more distinctly cream (could be because they're older).
Hans-Otto Baral,
10-11-2009 20:34
Luc Bailly,
12-11-2009 16:21
Re:Hymenoscyphus s/ Urtica
That resembles what I found quite a lot. Thanks!
Cheers - Luc.
Cheers - Luc.