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10-01-2025 18:19

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure

09-01-2025 20:35

Miguel Ã�ngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good afternoon This small pink ascomycete, 2 mm i

10-01-2025 11:24

Wim de Groot

We found this small black spots on perennial stem

10-01-2025 03:04

Masanori Kutsuna

Hello, Does anyone have following article and cou

08-01-2025 23:07

Jean-Luc Ranger

Je pensais avoir à faire à un Hypomyces mais les

09-01-2025 17:28


BonsoirRécolté par un ami sur un tilleulJ'ai tr�

06-01-2025 16:54

Karl Soler Kinnerbäck

Hi! Found this small disco on herbaceous stems in

05-01-2025 15:38

Adam Polhorský

Hello, can anyone provide this work? Samuels GJ (

07-01-2025 05:40

Tomaz Vucko Tomaz Vucko

Greetings everyone!Would perhaps someone here reco

06-01-2025 18:03

Rot Bojan

Hello!I found some photos in the archive, with inc

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Tricharina gilva?
Piet BORMANS, 28-11-2009 18:53
Piet BORMANSBonjour,
Pourrait-il s'agir de Tricharina gilva?
Trouvé le 24/11/09 sur un sol sablonneux pauvre en terre végétale, isolé.
Apothécies: 9mm, Ø x 5 mm, cupuliforme et de couleur orange.
Duvet blanc à l'extérieur de l'excipulum, poils bruns en touffe sur le bord supérieur, dimensions 180x225 x 10-13(19) µm, poils avec une extrémité arrondie.
Asques: 200-240 x 8-10 µm. J-
Parapfyses d'une largeur de 4µm avec un sommet élargi jusqu'a 7µm; colorant rouge-brun dans Melzer
Spores lisses, 15-16 x 8-9 µm
Merci d'avance.

Piet Bormans
  • message #9631
Piet BORMANS, 28-11-2009 18:54
Re:Tricharina gilva?
Asques et parafyses (Melzer)
  • message #9632
Piet BORMANS, 28-11-2009 18:55
Re:Tricharina gilva?
Poils (1)
  • message #9633
Piet BORMANS, 28-11-2009 18:57
Re:Tricharina gilva?
Poils (2)
  • message #9634
Piet BORMANS, 28-11-2009 18:57
Re:Tricharina gilva?
  • message #9635
Gilbert MOYNE, 28-11-2009 23:14
Re:Tricharina gilva?
Les poils sont assez surprenants pour un Tricharina.
Et la couleur aussi.
Peut-être T. fibrillosa mais je crois que l'espèce a émigré dans un autre genre.
Richard Korf, 29-11-2009 04:29
Re:Tricharina gilva?
Yes, Moravec transferred that species. to Pseudaleuria. I haven't seen any molecular evidence that the transfer was necessary, though the Index Fungorum accepts it. The spores and the imperfect state fit Tricharina. Yang and Korf credited the epithet to Currey, but Currey's name in Peziza is a later homonym, and the correct authorities change to Tricharina fibrillosa (Massee) Chin S. Yang & Korf (Art. 58, ICBN).

NO, I made an error. We never did get spores of T. fibrillosa to germinate, and had no recent collections, so there is no known Ascorhizoctonia state for this species. Would be nice to get this in culture and get it deposited in a reputable culture collection. We discovered that even old (±20 year) dried specimens have ascospores that can be germinated, so even if you've dried your collection you can probably get the spores to germinate! If it doesn't produce an Ascorhizoctonia state then maybe Moravec is correct!

Dick Korf
Piet BORMANS, 01-12-2009 21:50
Re:Tricharina gilva?
Merci beaucoup à Gilbert Moyne de votre réponse, and a lot of thanks to Richard Korf for the explanation.
Piet Bormans