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Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

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Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

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Castillo Joseba Castillo Joseba

Necesito el correo de W. GamsPuede mandarmelo a 

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leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
DirkW, 01-11-2008 01:08
DirkWsalut asco-friends,

i don't speak french - sorry. has anybody out there a key for leucoscypha? i think i have leucoscypha semiimmersa here, but i'm not 100% sure, only 90% ;-) it was growing between pulvinula constellatio ...
further: does anybody know the current name of the taxon? i think there is a bit confusion ...
best wishes
  • message #5641
François Valade, 01-11-2008 09:34
François Valade
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
Hallo Dirk
Macro features fit well with Leucoscypha semimmersa (P. Karsten) Svrcek which is currently the accepted genus but micro details will help to conclude. I have no complete key in mind but René Dougoud has wonderfully described this species in Fungi non delineati vol. 18 (dedicated to Pezizales). It is worth to get one copy, despite written in french.
Let us wait for René's answer.
DirkW, 01-11-2008 10:01
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
hello francois,

merci de repondre! ich have alsready ordered the publication by candusso. the content looks amazing!
i think the mikros fit well (spores 22 x 9-11, ellipsoid to fusiform, with a big and a middle guttule, straight paraphyses, textura globulosa-angularis, hyalin to yellow hairs.) my intention would be to exclude a possible similar taxon (if it exists, i don't know ...) , by an overview of (the europeaen taxa) of the genera.
benkert had placed semiimmersa in byssonectria, in the index fungorum i find sepultariella (?) semi-immersa - Lietuvos Grybai (Vilnius) 3(5): 188 (2000)
so much for confusion ...
nice weekend

DirkW, 01-11-2008 12:55
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa) - Mikro
ici le mikro! made by uwe lindemann ...
  • message #5644
François Valade, 01-11-2008 14:05
François Valade
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
Spores fit well this species. It is true that several combinaisons in différent genera occur but the species stays itself.
Here is a photo of my collection kindly identified by René Dougoud (26/10/2001 on very very old burn place covered by plants).
  • message #5646
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 02-11-2008 15:39
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
I agree with François and you. I found this species in september 2006 and the characters fit with my collection (see attached PDF file). It was on a burned place.
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 02-11-2008 16:04
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
The correct name is (for the moment) Leucoscypha semiimmersa (P. Karst.) Svrcek but the genus have to be revised... When Boudier (1885) published this genus, it was created for white, hairy species with ornemented spores (as Leucoscypha leucotricha). This is Rifai (1968) who amended the genus to include some species with coloured apothecia and smooth spores... following the opinion of Le Gal (1957).
In my opinion, this enlarged genus is artificial. Unfortunately, Perry et al. (2007) in their molecular study of the Pyronemataceae didn't sample L. semiimmersa (nor L. patavina).
The name Sepultariella semiimmersa proposed by Kutorga is a nomen prov. (see attached PDF) and so this name is invalid under the ICBN.
Enrique Rubio, 03-11-2008 20:34
Enrique Rubio
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
Cher Nicolas:
J'ai besoin de ton adresse postal pour pouvoir t'envoyer l'article sur les Lamprospora.
Je t'ecrit quelques e-mail sans reponse...
Enrique Rubio
DirkW, 03-11-2008 23:02
Re:leucoscypha (semiimmersa)
salut nicolas,

thank you very much for the further confirmation and the taxonomic infos!
nice wishes