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27-01-2025 02:02

Bharati Mandapati

All, I would love some help with a purple-brown d

26-01-2025 11:41


BonjourJ'ai récupéré ce Rosellinia d'un ami, rÃ

24-01-2025 18:39

Jean-Luc Ranger

Bonjour, j'ai ce petit ascome d'1,5 mm de diamètr

23-01-2025 07:54

Tony Moverley

Hello,A recent foray in Norfolk, England found a g

26-01-2025 15:01

David Maw

Hello. i am looking forliterature that wil help to

26-01-2025 15:01

David Maw

Hello. i am looking forliterature that wil help to

26-01-2025 00:18

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! Anyone know this one? Spores 14-18 x 4-4,5, 3

24-01-2025 19:39

Margot en Geert Vullings

We found these orange dics on horse dung.We think

24-01-2025 18:09

Nogueira Héctor

19/01/2025 Villameca (León) España  Buenas En

23-01-2025 17:09

Karen Poulsen

Hi all Could this be P. merdae? Found on differe

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Scopinella solani ?
Peter Welt, 13-06-2009 12:35
Peter WeltDear Mr. Malloch: Can the Scopinella solani be? The spores are about 4-6 x 3,5-5,5 µm Unfortunately I work (1976) of them not.

  • message #8198
Peter Welt, 13-06-2009 12:37
Peter Welt
Re:Scopinella solani ?
  • message #8199
Peter Welt, 13-06-2009 12:39
Peter Welt
Re:Scopinella solani ?
  • message #8200
Perz Piotr, 13-06-2009 16:48
Re:Scopinella solani ?
A key to Scopinella species:

1. Fungicole, asci 2-4 spored ......................................................................... 2
1a. On other substrates, asci 8-spored .......................................................... 3

2. On Apiosporina morbosa, asci 2-spored
sp. 7,9-9,1 x 5-6,5 .............................................................. S. sphaerophila
2a. On Endocronartium harknessii, asci 2-4-spored,
sp. 3,5-8,0 x 2,9-6,5 ............................................................ S. gallicola
2b. On ?Seimatosporium, asci 2-spored,
sp. (7,7-)8,0-9,6(-13,8) x (8,1-)8,5-9,8(-13,2) ................... S.coronata

3. Neck with basket-like structure .................................................................. 4
3a. Not with above character ......................................................................... 5

4. Neck 1800-2500 um long .................................................... S. musciformis
4a. Neck < 1000 um long ................................................................. S. barbata

5. Sp. 7-11 x 5-8 x 4-7,5 (-8), without stroma................................ S. caulincola
5a. Sp (4,5)-5-6(-8) x 3,8-5,8, with small stroma................................. S. solani
Peter Welt, 13-06-2009 17:10
Peter Welt
Re:Scopinella solani ?
Thanks Perz,
Now you just have to know what the structure (basket-like structure) is meant. How big are the spores of S. barbata and S. musciformis? Otherwise, it would indeed fit well to S. solani.

Perz Piotr, 13-06-2009 17:21
Re:Scopinella solani ?
Basket-like structure on neck-tips on S.musciformis (fide Stchigel et al. 2006)
  • message #8203
Perz Piotr, 13-06-2009 17:25
Re:Scopinella solani ?
Hallo Peter,

Ich meine, das "basket-like" Strukture ist ein Verdickung, wo befinden sich die Sporen. So was gibt es bei S.solani nicht - die hat nur ganz kurze Haaren - das ist ganz gut auf Deine Mikros zu sehen.

Ich denke auch, dass Dein Fund eine S.solani ist - was was das Substrat ?

beste Gruesse
Peter Welt, 13-06-2009 17:34
Peter Welt
Re:Scopinella solani ?
Du hast recht, den Artikel wo du die Tafel her hast kenne ich. Mycologia, 98(5), 2006: 815-820
Beim Substrat bin ich mir nicht sicher, könnete Lupine sein. Das kläre ich noch.

Gruß und Danke Peter
David Malloch, 23-06-2009 17:56
David Malloch
Re:Scopinella solani ?
Dear Piotr and Peter,

I am in the field collecting fungi and have rather limited internet connections. I apologize for not answering your messages. It looks as though you have the Scopinella issues well in hand.

I have found some nice S. sphaerophila collections in the last week and I thought you might enjoy seeing pictures of them. The first shows ascostromata of Apiosporina morbosa, covered with S. sphaerophila (but you cant't see them here). A second picture shows the perithecia and asci.

  • message #8305
David Malloch, 23-06-2009 17:56
David Malloch
Re:Scopinella solani ?
Perithecia and asci
  • message #8306