12-03-2025 17:54
Karl Soler KinnerbäckHi all!Do you agree with Scutellinia hyperborea? P

11-03-2025 17:22

found last November in the Algarve, Serra Monchiqu

17-12-2024 20:05

in the Algarve, Serra Monchique, on old Xylaria ci

10-03-2025 22:26

Bonjour, Je sollicite de l'aide pour mettre un no

11-03-2025 13:10

Hola, alguna idea para esta especie ??Recogida sob

11-03-2025 17:27

I hope it is o.k. to ask this question here. As y

11-03-2025 18:48

Bonjour.Je suis à la recherche d'une collection (

11-03-2025 15:18

Bonjour à toutes et tous,Pourriez-vous m'aider à

08-03-2025 14:54
Ethan CrensonHello all, This is a recent find from New York Ci
Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Luc Bailly,
08-03-2010 18:02
Apothécies en groupes, diam -> 0.8 mm, sessiles, en coupe s'étalant ensuite; hyménium de couleur datte, poils blanchâtres en lignes radiales, cils blancs.
Poils + ou - fortement incrustés, brunâtres sous le microscope, 32-40 X 2-3 µ; cils -> 60 µ.
Asques minuscules, courts, 8-sp, 24-28 x 5-5.5 µ, IKI -, spores bisériées. Spores guttulées, 4.5-6 x 1.5-1.8 (2?) µ, hyalines ou très pâles.
Paraphyses non observées, peut-être absentes.
Aucune idée...
Amitiés - LUC.
08-03-2010 18:45

Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
On dirait un Hyalopeziza avec ses poils à paroi épaisse, réfringente. Mais avec des spores aussi petites, je ne vois pas trop de quel côté chercher...
Hans-Otto Baral,
08-03-2010 18:50

Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Thsi could be Hyalopeziza trichodea known from Pinus needles.
see http://www.ascofrance.fr/index.php?r=forum&page=viewtopic&id=7004&highlight=trichodea#msg7004
though only known from needles in the literature, as it seems.
Your asci are a bit short, but otherwise....
see http://www.ascofrance.fr/index.php?r=forum&page=viewtopic&id=7004&highlight=trichodea#msg7004
though only known from needles in the literature, as it seems.
Your asci are a bit short, but otherwise....
Luc Bailly,
08-03-2010 19:22
Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Hm. C'est possible aussi que, vu les conditions climatiques exécrables cette année, certaines récoltes soient atypiques.
And thank you Zotto. It's quite similar indeed, but the hymenium seems darker on my sample, and maybe I've been a bit confused because the hairs seemed incrusted in my sample (photo below). Artefact?
Cheers - LUC.
And thank you Zotto. It's quite similar indeed, but the hymenium seems darker on my sample, and maybe I've been a bit confused because the hairs seemed incrusted in my sample (photo below). Artefact?
Cheers - LUC.
Hans-Otto Baral,
08-03-2010 19:26

Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Did you take this pic with oil immersion? Your photos are a bit unsharp, perhaps you must more open the aperture of the microscope? Could you make a test: Place min. 5% KOH to the preparation, or if less then shortly heat the mount. Hyalopeziza glassy hairs should be resistent in KOH. perhaps then the surface of the hair becomes more clear? Or gets smooth??
The colour is different, I also noticed. You ar right, I am wrong with H. trichodea. Your find is the same what Antoine Ayel once gave me (HB 4050, 4052), on Pinus bark. I have this presently in Hyphodiscus, but surely it belongs more in Hyalopeziza. The hairs are granular, this was the important characteristic that gave me the idea. The spores have often 4 oil drops.
Enrique also found this species (ERD 4442), though this is said to be on Quercus.
The colour is different, I also noticed. You ar right, I am wrong with H. trichodea. Your find is the same what Antoine Ayel once gave me (HB 4050, 4052), on Pinus bark. I have this presently in Hyphodiscus, but surely it belongs more in Hyalopeziza. The hairs are granular, this was the important characteristic that gave me the idea. The spores have often 4 oil drops.
Enrique also found this species (ERD 4442), though this is said to be on Quercus.
Luc Bailly,
08-03-2010 23:23
Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Yes, it's taken with immersion oil. I'll try opening the aperture more.
I still have the specimen in the fridge, I'll do the experiment in KOH tomorrow and I'll tell you what happens.
And yes, it grows on the bark of the tiny dead branch.
I still have the specimen in the fridge, I'll do the experiment in KOH tomorrow and I'll tell you what happens.
And yes, it grows on the bark of the tiny dead branch.
Luc Bailly,
09-03-2010 16:21
Luc Bailly,
09-03-2010 16:24
Luc Bailly,
09-03-2010 16:28
Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Ectal excipulum in KOH:
And I still have the specimen in the fridge. If you're interested in studying it (if it's something interesting), I can send it to you by mail. I just need your address.
Full data's are:
Mont des Pins, La Rote, Bomal s/Ourthe, Durbuy, prov. LX, Belgium, and date of gathering: 27.02.10.
Cheers - LUC.
And I still have the specimen in the fridge. If you're interested in studying it (if it's something interesting), I can send it to you by mail. I just need your address.
Full data's are:
Mont des Pins, La Rote, Bomal s/Ourthe, Durbuy, prov. LX, Belgium, and date of gathering: 27.02.10.
Cheers - LUC.
Hans-Otto Baral,
09-03-2010 17:54

Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
Dear Luc
yours is exactly the same as Enrique's and Antoine's finds. I wonder whether there is nothing in the literature. I think I would have notized if there is something in Grelet (?).
But I have little time so I must not study your collection now. I think the species will show up again at some time. A possible relationship is quite evident with what I have possibly as Hyphodiscus sericeus on the DVD (HB 5851 etc.), though there the hairs are never such glassy-thickwalled, and the spore contents are different.
The true Chlorosplenium sericeum is probably the same as Erinella aeruginosa, the green disco with 40 µm long spores.
yours is exactly the same as Enrique's and Antoine's finds. I wonder whether there is nothing in the literature. I think I would have notized if there is something in Grelet (?).
But I have little time so I must not study your collection now. I think the species will show up again at some time. A possible relationship is quite evident with what I have possibly as Hyphodiscus sericeus on the DVD (HB 5851 etc.), though there the hairs are never such glassy-thickwalled, and the spore contents are different.
The true Chlorosplenium sericeum is probably the same as Erinella aeruginosa, the green disco with 40 µm long spores.
Luc Bailly,
09-03-2010 18:25
Re:Discom. poilu s/ Pinus sylvestris
There are chances I will find this species again, indeed, but this sounds like the kind of things one finds when not searching especially for it :-D
I'll have a look in the DVD then.
Cheers - LUC.
I'll have a look in the DVD then.
Cheers - LUC.