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06-03-2025 23:27

Edvin Johannesen Edvin Johannesen

Hello!I have a collection of Asterosporium asteros

06-03-2025 21:53

Charles Grapinet Charles Grapinet

Hello, I found a very abundant Phaeosphaeria on t

04-03-2025 15:38

Hardware Tony Hardware Tony

Found on I what I think is Phyllostachys aurea, mo

06-03-2025 11:45

Wim de Groot

Several smal patches of Hypoxylon ticinense (sl?)

06-03-2025 17:23

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found 13/2/25 on moss, very far away, only almond

04-03-2025 21:27


BonsoirPetites fructifications jaunes récoltées

30-06-2018 14:36

Jan Knuiman

Growing on a rotten twig of a broadleaf tree (Sali

03-03-2025 08:10

Juuso Äikäs

I recently found these quite small fruitbodies gro

05-03-2025 08:53

Thomas Læssøe

With hyper fusiform-pointy spores.https://svampe.d

03-03-2025 08:20

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Une idée sur ces petites boules blanches sur mou

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"Rhytisma urticae"
Alex Akulov, 12-07-2011 21:02
Alex AkulovDear Friends 
Sufficiently long time ago in L. Fuckel exiccati I watched the sample of Rhytisma urticae on overwintered Urtica dioica stems. Recently, I've collected in the Carpathians very similar sample. Using the Internet, I found that the modern name of this species - Aporhytisma urticae with anamorph Apomelasmia urticae. Unfortunately, the available information about this species is too poor. 

In my sample I found conidia, which are similar to Melasmia representative and other type of spores also.

I have no literature to solve problems with the collected sample. If someone could send me a description of Aporhytisma urticae, as well as express your opinion about this sample, I would be very grateful!

  • message #15820
  • message #15820
  • message #15820
  • message #15820
Alex Akulov, 25-08-2011 00:01
Alex Akulov
Re : "Rhytisma urticae"
Dear Friends
Today I received a response from Dave Minter with more in detailed datas about this species. He wrote:
Aporhytisma urticae is not so easy. It's not in Dennis (British Ascomycetes) and it's not in the Ascomycetes volume of Champignons de Suisse. Petrak wrote about it in Sydowia 24: 252 (available from Cyberliber). Arx & Muller in Beitrage zur Kryptfl. Schweiz 11: 373 (available from Cyberliber) redisposed it as Diaporthopsis = Diaporthe. There's a photograph of A. urticae on the Internet [] which looks rather like your fungus.

Please, see also attached files - pages from Sutton's Coelomycetes (1980), with description and illustration of anamorph.

  • message #16156
  • message #16156
  • message #16156