09-02-2025 22:51
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirEst-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire s'il s'ag

01-02-2025 20:32

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

06-02-2025 18:11

Hello, while digging in my fungarium, I found an

07-02-2025 22:28
Yanick BOULANGERBonsoirPetit pyrénomycètes d'environ 1 mm sur bo

07-02-2025 20:25
Dear all.Ascomata pheritecioid, KOH-negative, flas

07-02-2025 17:48
asci 170-200 x 20-22 ?m spores 21.9 [22.9 ; 23.4]

06-02-2025 06:25
Bharati MandapatiHi All, I would love some help with this Lasiobel

05-02-2025 04:38
Ethan CrensonHi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

Spores colourless, smooth, with some drops, 0-1 septe (sometimes seen septated within the ascus), 7,5-10,5 x 1,5-2,2 ?m.
Asci in mass somewhat coloured, indiviual ascus colourless, 8 spored, about 55-65x 5 ?m, covered with a brownish resinous? matter, J-, apical apparatus not visible, in KOH upper half discoloring purple. In KOH the resinous matter discolored purplish.
Parafyses colourless, cylindrical, septated and dividing, ending straight, curved or strongly curved, about the same length as the asci.
Excipulum question mark. I cannot detect any layering. The outside looks rough and irregular ribbed, covered with thick darkbrownish tissue. Also describing the color is a problem. For me microscopic the color is dark brown but my camera also registers purple. In KOH 5% the outsides discolours, leaving a purple halo around the tissue.
Regards, Marian Jagers

I wil dry the piece of wood with the apothecia and will send it to you, and if better for sequencing, put a number (how many?) of apothecia in a C-tab tube and send it along.
Who can I send it to? To you Adam? Would you please give me your address?