29-03-2025 09:08

Bonjour.J’ai essayé d’étudier un Daldinia.Qu

30-03-2025 10:24
Gonzalez Garcia MartaGood morning, I would like to know the opinion of

31-03-2025 17:01
akcay mustafa emreHello everyone, My name is Mustafa Emre Akçay, a

30-03-2025 12:41
Me mandan el material seco de Galicia (España), r

24-03-2025 21:26
Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'une confirmation ou infirm

29-03-2025 06:21

Hi! I found this interesting tiny ascomycete on i

29-03-2025 05:45
Sebastien BassoHello, I'm conducting a mycological inventory in

27-03-2025 22:25

On Metzgeria furcata I found hundreds of small whi
Unknown anamorphic/hyphomycete-like fungus
Maren Kamke,
29-05-2023 13:11

I keep finding this anamorphic/hyphomycete-like fungus on hardwood. Can someone help me determine it?
Thanks very much
Best regards
Martin Bemmann,
29-05-2023 15:01

Re : Unknown anamorphic/hyphomycete-like fungus
Hallo Maren,
looks like a Trichoderma to me.
Thomas Læssøe,
30-05-2023 10:43
Re : Unknown anamorphic/hyphomycete-like fungus
Not unlike a Phaeostalagmus (in the Chaetosphaeria-complex).
Maren Kamke,
01-06-2023 10:26

Re : Unknown anamorphic/hyphomycete-like fungus
Thank you for the suggestions. I consider an anamorph from the Chaetosphaeria-complex to be probable and a resemblance to Phaeostalagmus is unmistakable. Unfortunately, I could not find an exact match with a species of this genus or another Chaetosphaeria anamorph. A result can probably only be achieved with the help of sequencing.