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29-01-2025 18:12

Blasco Rafael Blasco Rafael

Hola, he encontrado estos pequeños Ascos liqueniz

05-02-2025 11:50

Margot en Geert Vullings

On the inside of Salix bark we found white rosette

05-02-2025 10:54

Adam Polhorský

Hello, I'm looking for descriptions of Apodospora

28-02-2017 09:34

Roberta Pini

Good morning,I am looking for the paper by Lundqvi

05-02-2025 04:38

Ethan Crenson

Hi all, Found by a friend last Saturday in Staten

04-02-2025 20:26


BonsoirJe pense que c'est Mollisia cinereaJ'ai hé

02-02-2025 15:07

Harald Homa Harald Homa

Hello everyone! While working through the finds f

01-02-2025 18:00

Angel Pintos Angel Pintos

Hello,anybody has the following article:Botryospha

01-02-2025 10:01

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

found in the soil, in olive trees and Pistacia ver

01-02-2025 20:32

Andreas Gminder Andreas Gminder

Hello,today my girlfriend Sylvie found a single ap

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Pleospora-like from sphagnum
Nina Filippova, 18-04-2013 18:16
Good evening.

Some loculoascomycet was found on leaves of sphagnum, probably somebody may have acquaintance with it. I am only fiddling around Pleospora, but have not looked seriously into the keys of this group yet.

Pseudothecia globose (130-200 mk), without stroma, site single at the surface of sphagnum leaves and at miscellaneous substrates, attached to the surface with many "hairs" (brown hypha arising at the surface at base and sides and outspread to the substrate), the same hairs but shorter arise from upper part.

Peridium from angular cells about 5 mk in diameter, hairs 3 mk thick at base; asci clavate - near globose, with 1 single spore, about 90 x 55 mk; paraphysoid tissue ("parenchymatic") present; spores muriform, hyaline when in asci, dark brown when mature, elongated with middle constriction at first, but enlarged to oval, almost globose when mature, with 3-5 longitudinal and up to 10 transverse septa, with many oil droplets inside, 64-81 x 26-46 (N=11).

  • message #22976
  • message #22976
  • message #22976
  • message #22976
Georges Greiff, 02-12-2024 19:00
Re : Pleospora-like from sphagnum
I think Julella might be appropriate for this collection based on the general features, particularly hyaline to darkening mature spores with few (1?) developing to maturity per ascus. These are likely algicolous rather than bryophilous s.str., but certainly worth investigating.