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23-01-2025 15:46

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

Could I have peoples opinion on this Geoglossum.Wi

27-01-2025 02:02

Bharati Mandapati

All, I would love some help with a purple-brown d

26-01-2025 11:41


BonjourJ'ai récupéré ce Rosellinia d'un ami, rÃ

24-01-2025 18:39

Jean-Luc Ranger

Bonjour, j'ai ce petit ascome d'1,5 mm de diamètr

23-01-2025 07:54

Tony Moverley

Hello,A recent foray in Norfolk, England found a g

26-01-2025 15:01

David Maw

Hello. i am looking forliterature that wil help to

26-01-2025 00:18

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! Anyone know this one? Spores 14-18 x 4-4,5, 3

24-01-2025 19:39

Margot en Geert Vullings

We found these orange dics on horse dung.We think

24-01-2025 18:09

Nogueira Héctor

19/01/2025 Villameca (León) España  Buenas En

23-01-2025 17:09

Karen Poulsen

Hi all Could this be P. merdae? Found on differe

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Purple-brown Discomycete with Globose Spores Weakly Amyloid Asci
Bharati Mandapati, 27-01-2025 02:02

I would love some help with a purple-brown discomycete with globose spores, weakly amyloid asci with lilac walls, spore contents also appear lilac BUT all structures are not deeply pigmented as is apparently the case for Smardaea.  My detailed notes (see notes field), photos (including photomicrography) and references consulted are at

Thanks in advance!


Berkeley, CA, USA
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 27-01-2025 07:56
Re : Purple-brown Discomycete with Globose Spores Weakly Amyloid Asci
This is a Plicaria species.
I found a very similar species last year in Corsica and I thought, on the field, it was a Smardaea. DNA analysis revealed a new species.
Bharati Mandapati, 27-01-2025 08:35
Re : Purple-brown Discomycete with Globose Spores Weakly Amyloid Asci
Thank you! Are the notes/photos/sequence from your Corsican collection posted anywhere? I would also appreciate any suggestions re: related literature.