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15-12-2024 15:44

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Here is a Lachnum found on dead branches of Erica

15-12-2024 14:34

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

HI. Found this very small cf. Olla specie on deco

30-12-2024 23:57

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! This one i have hard to find anything on. Does

31-12-2024 15:12

Bernard CLESSE Bernard CLESSE

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Pourriez-vous me conf

31-12-2024 15:39

Jean-Paul Priou Jean-Paul Priou

Tout d'abord, meilleurs voeux de bonne santé à t

15-12-2024 13:56

Yannick Mourgues Yannick Mourgues

Hello. I would like to have your opinions on this

30-12-2024 15:53

Jean-Luc Ranger

Je pense être dans ce genre mais sans certitude:

29-12-2024 23:32

ruiz Jose antonio

Hola a todos, de tamaño de unos 3 mm, algunas par

23-12-2024 14:37

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.Some tiny globose black ascomata found on De

29-12-2024 21:05

Charles Aron Charles Aron

Hi All, Recently I found these minute (Ascopores

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Cryptosporella suffusa?
Björn Wergen, 07-03-2011 00:42
Björn WergenHello,

a few days ago I found a small pyrenomycete on dead Alnus twigs with the following features:

Ascomata is an erumpent stroma 2-7 mm in diametre, growing in the cortex and containing 4-8 perithecia with small necks.
Spores 20-40x4-5µm, mostly smaller ones (21-24,5x4-5µm) but also some in longer size (35-40µm long), hyaline, smooth, without septa, but containing some small vakuoles.
Asci 80-90x13-17µm, with 8 spores, filled with many oil drops or something, so that the spores aren't countable in most cases, short stalked and clavate, sometimes with a roundish "swelling" on one side (?).

Can someone help me with determination? I just found something about Cryptosporella suffusa but it is not really enough. I first thought about Eutypella alnifraga but that was a no way after the first look through the micro :D


Makro (ca x40)
  • message #14592
Björn Wergen, 07-03-2011 00:42
Björn Wergen
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
micro (x1000)
  • message #14593
Alain GARDIENNET, 07-03-2011 22:11
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
Hi Kazama,
Perhaps an immature C. suffusa ? Ascospores of suffusa should be longer.
Could you describe how ascospores are arranged in ascus ?
I'll send you documentation to help you.
Björn Wergen, 07-03-2011 23:15
Björn Wergen
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
Hi Alain,

in the Ascus, the spores are arranged in 2-3 lines, and sometimes evokate the swelling (?). As I said, the spores aren't visible in most cases due to many oil drops.

thanks for your help ;)

Björn Wergen, 08-03-2011 23:21
Björn Wergen
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?

I looked at the spores again and they are 40-80x4-5µm. I think this is enough for C. suffusa ;)
Björn Wergen, 09-03-2011 10:34
Björn Wergen
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
Here are the new photos of C. suffusa:

macro (ca. x40)
  • message #14628
Björn Wergen, 09-03-2011 10:37
Björn Wergen
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
micro with many hyphoid cells containing a strong refractiving matter (?) especially in the white perithecia
  • message #14629
Alain GARDIENNET, 09-03-2011 11:42
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
Hi Kazama,
it's now OK for C. suffusa.
Alain GARDIENNET, 22-03-2011 16:51
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
Hi Kazama,
Have you read Luis Meija's paper posted by Amy Rossman ?
Particularly the difference between Cryptosporella suffusa and C. multicontinentalis should interest you.
Björn Wergen, 23-03-2011 13:36
Björn Wergen
Re:Cryptosporella suffusa?
Yes, thank you, I have checked it out and added it to my database.
