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15-01-2025 23:21

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir,Sur branche morte d'Acer (A. campestre ou

15-01-2025 23:20

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir,Sur branche morte d'Acer (A. campestre ou

14-01-2025 10:11

Margot en Geert Vullings

On a dead branch of Cryptomeria that has been lyin

15-01-2025 18:36

François Valade François Valade

hello forthe french fungi types project, I am loo

14-01-2025 18:17

Martine  Vandeplanque Martine Vandeplanque

Bonsoir à tous. Grande première rencontre avec

13-01-2025 20:17

Jorge Hernanz

Buenas tardes, adjunto datos de éste pequeño pez

10-01-2025 11:24

Wim de Groot

We found this small black spots on perennial stem

10-01-2025 18:19

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure

19-12-2024 11:54

michel bertrand

Bonjour, Après moultes recherches plutôt infruc

12-01-2025 12:52

Thomas Flammer

Spores cylindrical-fusiform, 7 times septated, IKI

« < 1 2 3 4 5 > »
Calloria (?) on Galium aparine
Chris Yeates, 22-10-2011 22:33
Chris YeatesBonsoir à tous

This was collected on dead stems of Galium aparine. Apothecia without obvious margin, sessile, orange-pink. R.W.G. Dennis described a Calloria galiorum and I suspected I might have found that - the description (published in Kew Bulletin 45 (2)page 293) is repeated here but appears to refer to a different fungus:

"Calloria  galiorum  Dennis  spec.  nov.  Apotheceis  sparsis, superficialibus,  sessilis,  concavis,  350 pm  latis,  roseis;  ascis subsessilis,  33-42  x  6-6.5  pm,  octosporis,  I  + ;  ascosporis continuis,  hyalinis,  7-9  x  1.5-2.5 pm;  paraphysibus filiformibus. In caulibus siccis Galii aparines.  Skye, . . . . . In C. galii  (Fuck.) Sacc. v. Höhnel  (1918)  found  larger  iodine negative  asci  50-55  pm  long."

this seemed to be close to this fungus; however the asci measure 50-59 x 7.2-7.9µm, and the ascospores measure 14.3-14.8 x 4-4.3µm (those shown are living, in water); the ascus measurements are closer to Calloria galii but that is described as with "sporidiis, oblongo-ovatis, didymis, medio vix constrictis . . . 14-7" (Saccardo, P.A. Sylloge Fungorum VIII: p. 640); so that does not fit either . . .

I cannot believe that others have not come across this discomycete on a very common host. Does anyone know of something like this please?


  • message #16483
  • message #16483
  • message #16483
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2011 00:23
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Calloria (?) on Galium aparine
Hi Chris

this is a hard nut. I am not sure whether this is a host-specific fungus. What I have in mind is the little-known genus Aivenia. At least it should be somthing of the Naevioideae.

I wonder whether you have any living asci and paraphyses there, especially the contents of the latter wouöld help me much.

Stip Helleman made a fine drawing of something similar, but on Glyceria. here attached. Apothecia were white.

  • message #16484