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27-06-2024 01:36

Richard VALERI Richard VALERI

Salut à tous.J'ai lu ici que Zotto était plutôt

26-06-2024 21:08

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

On the underside of a very rotten board in our gar

26-06-2024 22:43

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Hello, Found on a wet piece of wood  (Fraxinus ?

26-06-2024 16:32

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Salut.Un champignon supposé sur certaines feuille

22-06-2024 13:35

Sven Heinz Sven Heinz

Hello, Could this be Camposporium pellucidum? The

16-06-2024 14:36

Josep Torres Josep Torres

Hello.An anamorph located in nature, on the surfac

23-06-2024 17:58

Ingo Ibelshäuser Ingo Ibelshäuser

Bonjour, j'ai trouvé le Cheilymenia jaune vif sui

22-06-2024 17:56

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Estos apotecios, de 0,5-20 mm, fructificaban el 13

09-01-2023 08:14

Francisco  SÃNCHEZ Francisco SÁNCHEZ

Ascomiceto anaranjado sobre suelo desnudo, 29/12/2

17-06-2024 12:00

Juuso Äikäs

A couple days ago I found some Mitrula fruitbodies

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Calycina subtilis?
Steve Clements, 30-04-2016 13:03
On a trouvé cette petite Disco sur une aiguille de pin. Il est si petit que je ne suis pas sur si mon microscope est assez bon pour le travail!
We found this on pine needles in the Peak District, N. England, recently. It was very small and really I felt that my microscope wasn't quite up to it. However, I got the following features:
Disc whitish, "folding" when dry. Approx 0.2 - 0.3mm diameter.
Stalk about 0.1mm long.
Spores approx 5 x 1.5
Asci approx 30 x 4. Microscopy was difficult as the cells didn't disperse nicely. Tips appear to blue in Meltzers (but the annoyingly blue LED light makes lots of things look blue).
"Hairs" on the outside of the cups were approx 15 x 5.

From Ellis and Ellis I found Pezizella subtilis listed for pine needles, and it fits ......just about.
But there are only 17 British (FRDBI) records. It's now called Calycina subtilis.
I feel sure there is likely to be a much more sensible ID.

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  • message #42365
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  • message #42365
Stip Helleman, 30-04-2016 14:12
Stip Helleman
Re : Calycina subtilis?
Hallo Steve,
could it be Cistella acuum? The hairs are apically warted, what suggests Cistella.

Hans-Otto Baral, 30-04-2016 19:46
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Calycina subtilis?
The warted hairs exclude C. subtilis. The only species I know on conifers with such hairs is "Pezizella" junipericola, a Calycina related to C. gemmarum (= Gemmina gemmarum).

Both species have a distinct tendency to form 4 smaller spores in the ascus (heterospory), could you observe this?

Steve Clements, 01-05-2016 14:49
Re : Calycina subtilis?
Than you both for your kind help.
I didn't notice heterospory - but I wasn't looking for it.
Unfortunately I have lost the pine needle - but we can try to find more on Thursday.
best regards,