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21-11-2024 17:21

Malcolm  Greaves Malcolm Greaves

This Geoglossum was found in a wet meadow. 7 sept

04-11-2024 17:32

Yves Antoinette

Bonjour, je pense qu'il peut s'agir de Trichoderma

19-11-2024 15:51

Francois Guay Francois Guay

Hi everyone, I found this Antinoa-like species las

19-11-2024 00:36

Pérez del Amo Carlos Manuel Pérez del Amo Carlos Manuel

Hace unos días encontramos numerosos ejemplares d

19-11-2024 14:48

Watt John

Scoring the characters on Mal's Tombio key actuall

12-11-2024 16:43

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, This weekend a friend found these dark

19-11-2024 08:57

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

.. on dead stems of indet.dicotyl, maybe Phytolacc

19-11-2024 20:00

Stephen Martin Stephen Martin

I have found this intriguing fungus which looked l

19-11-2024 14:08

Dragiša Savic

Hello everyone, some interesting anamorphs. The fi

19-11-2024 17:21

Garcia Susana

Hola a todos. Mando este ascomiceto que no consig

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Another observation of Cyathicula paludosa
B Shelbourne, 15-09-2024 12:51
B Shelbourne• Macro and habitat suggest Cyathicula.
• Confirmed by excipulum, etc.
• Receptacle also noticeably tough in sectioning and slide preparation.
• Spores suggest C. paludosa (with croziers).

Habitat: On a dead stem of Heracleum sphondylium, +/- standing, seems to have grown this year, damp and shady area, amongst herbaceous plants at the edge of a path, mixed deciduous woodland, Low Weald, England, early September, after lots of rain.

Spores: 12-14.6 (15.6) × 2.4-3 µm.

  • message #80168
  • message #80168
Hans-Otto Baral, 15-09-2024 16:45
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Another observation of Cyathicula paludosa
Yes it is. Can you tell me a date and coordinates?

I have the type of C. paludosa here but need to go through it, it is 9 specimens. Some of them are clearly C. starbbaeckii on Ranunculus. It would be a pity if C. paludosa would end up in synonymy with that species. Velenovsky's diagnoses are too bad, one easily mistakes them.

If so, I wonder why this not rare species that you have found actually has no name.
B Shelbourne, 15-09-2024 19:29
B Shelbourne
Re : Another observation of Cyathicula paludosa
Looking in your folders, Velenovsky's illustratation and description of the apothecia seems more like the photos of C. starbaeckii (shape in maturity and dark patch at base of receptacle), but the spores seem more like C. paludosa (more fusiform with a line of LBs across the length). Although the range of spore lengths is more fitting for C. starbaeckii. 

From what you've said and this description, it seems possible that Velenovsky was collecting both species but gave a mixed description as a single species. I wonder if he was aware of C. (Phialea) starbaeckii and the similarities with his taxon?

I would think that the species I found has been found in Europe many time before, but perhaps it has been confused with other Cyathicula species. It may be more challenging to clearly distinguish dead material too.